I had forgotten that they DO sell needles.
I hoped that they sold needles they had made on site, or at least in the UK but their site says that they stock John James pebbles....those are needle cases of different types of needles....but those needles are made in China for Entaco...supposedly to JJ's specifications, then checked and packed in the UK.
They're still not as good as the vintage ones
I had a long conversation with JJ a few years back. I sent them a letter with my complaints clearly written out, and exampled by sending them the damaged and unuseable needles I had bought, sold under their name, in their packaging....they had come from JJ.
I got a very polite reply, acknowledging my complaints and saying that their 'team' was going out to China the next month and would take my examples of poor quality needles with them to address the problem.
I believe they are genuinely trying, but the reality is that modern manufacturing isn't as good as it was in the past.
But then, business....and the reality that so few people sew now that the market has shrunk.
Their pebbles are the best we have here that are easily available of modern needles.
DMC ones were awful, despite the hype.
Maybe TLM hit the crux of it and it's just poorer quality metal, but something's not right about the manufacturing and quality control.
I do know that if says Pony on the packaging of needles, of any type, I throw them in the bin.
I know, I know, I'm a fussy besom.