What is this???


Full Member
Jul 19, 2014
Stradishall, Suffolk
I was given this by a friend who said "I have a bush knife you can have, I have had it about 20 years and never used it". It has a plastic and what looks like a brass plated handle and what he was told was a stainless steel blade. The picture is painted on the blade. Unless I can do something to modify/improve the knife where do I dispose of something like this? I have enough clutter without a knife I would be too embarrassed to pull out of the sheath kicking around.



Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
May 13, 2015
Inox would indicate a stainless blade but that's a very broad term. I'm not sure how many kinds of stainless there are, but I would wager into the hundreds. Depending on your metal working proficiency I reckon you could make something of it. A lot of work though, it's not a pretty or understated thing is it?
As for what it is. I would say it's been a holiday souvenir on honesty. Might be decent steel though


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Jul 16, 2009
In the woods if possible.
It's somebody's idea of Bowie. I'm with Red, the steel will most likely be kitchen cutlery grade at best. It won't be worth working on it, you'll never get a decent edge.

Almost the only other thing I know about Albacete is that there's a race track in the desert there.
When a bunch of us went to see Foggy crash (twice) at Albacete in 1997 there was a thunderstorm you wouldn't believe and one very unlucky biker got an entire marquee roof full of water dumped in his beer while he was drinking it. :rofl:


Full Member
Jan 31, 2005
There's one of those in my naughty drawer part of the collection. (Someone gifted it to me).
Mine is a double knife though with a smaller version in an attached sheath rivited to the main one; which is badly made enough to be cutting it's way out. The steel is pretty horrible to try and get an edge on and the "brass" is just surface coloured metal.
I don't think it's ever been out to the woods with me as I'm sure my pals would never grow tired of ripping the micky out of me if I did. The balance is pretty awful and I have a major dislike of serrations especially on the back of a knife.

Sent via smoke-signal from a woodland in Scotland.

Tom Gold

Nov 2, 2012
If it was mine, and because its such a classic example of 'the wrong knife', I'd take it along on my next trip and see what it could really do when measured against a knife designed for the woods. I've never used anything like this.

Might even make an interesting thread: Using your most ill advised knife purchase make a feather stick, batton a log and carve a spatula.

Anyway, just sayin. Thanks for sharing mate.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
May 13, 2015
More David Bowie than Jim Bowie... launch it unless you want laughed at. :)

:lmao: excellent! Good to bring mirth to the camp if nothing. Grind the saw back off, nitromors that dog off and stick a decent handle on it I still say it can be of some use. Wilson proved to me it doesn't have to be knife steel to be usable. Admittedly I've hear treated it, and it's probably pretty decent steel and that's not. Good practice project though


Full Member
Jul 19, 2014
Stradishall, Suffolk
Just toss it in your wheelie bin mate :)

I just didn't want it on my conscience that some chave pulled it out the rubbish at the waste site.

You can't polish a trud :)

I was told you can polish a turd but it will always still be a turd.

I'm going to have to interject and correct you there macca!
Just because you can, doesn't mean you should though

Great program!

Come on seriously ???
great minds n that
With that comment you must have expected to be challanged?

I might, if I have some spare time start buchering it one day. Worst case if it goes wrong bin it (in pieces)


It is what it is.
Mar 5, 2008
~Hemel Hempstead~
I just didn't want it on my conscience that some chave pulled it out the rubbish at the waste site.

I might, if I have some spare time start buchering it one day. Worst case if it goes wrong bin it (in pieces)

If you do intend binning it then I'd suggest taking it down to your local nick and ask them to dispose of it safely


Jul 24, 2014
This is a food prep knife...Nothing more. It's shaped to be like a bowie, however inox is stainless steel so you won't get far with it for actual bushcraft.

Sent from my C6833 using Tapatalk


Mar 1, 2009
northern ireland
If you do intend binning it then I'd suggest taking it down to your local nick and ask them to dispose of it safely

Don't do this unless you want your full details held on police record.

Just wrap it up and throw it in the bin.

No chav would get it's Burberry dirty rummaging in land fill to find a knife.


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.