I moved from the country into a city last year. My new place is super insulated, I never have the heating on. My neighbours wander around their homes in t shirts, so they have their heating on. I wear a vest and put on a jumper. They think I'm odd, they're right. I walk everywhere in town, in the mornings, folks that stay round about me use their cars to make small journeys, but I'm quicker. There are lots of safe cycleways, but they're always empty. Doesn't make sense. My doctor used to say "you know if all my patients were like you, and walked or cycled here, I'd probably see a lot less of them. She was a very nice doctor, so it wasn't meant they'd die of exhaustion. Society has become both selfish and lazy. I'm surrounded by people with monster Mercs and Audi Q7's that get used for half mile school runs, and urgent coffee mornings, with the odd important visit to the beautician and nail specialist thrown in, and that's the men.