What are you currently reading?


Full Member
Nov 6, 2008
From the outside this forum seems full of nice, likeable people. People you would trust to look after your first born, for instance. Or who'd rescue puppies without a thought for personal safety or the very real risk of wanting to keep them all.

Instead it turns out no paperback is safe. Dog-ears were bad enough, but full-blown dismemberment?! I'm shocked. Everyone knows you can only really safely take out the appendix...

Anyway, currently rereading Swallows and Amazons, just to uncharacteristically wander onto topic. Yes, I'm of maturer years than the intended target demographic. No, I don't care.

Not me.

I've got an ongoing contract with three different councils to put Kittens in trees , make sure there are potholes aplenty and ensure the McDonalds Ice cream machine never works.



Full Member
Anyway, currently rereading Swallows and Amazons, just to uncharacteristically wander onto topic. Yes, I'm of maturer years than the intended target demographic. No, I don't care.

That book, read in my very early teens, set me off on many years and many thousands of miles of sailing: inland, coastal, offshore and ocean.

I wanted to name my first boat Nancy Blackett with the UK Ships Register but the name was taken at the time.
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