This is also off topic however have you seen the story about the McDonalds opened on Okinawa? Apprently it might cost them there blue zone status due to the effect of people eating there.This is right off topic, but the recent Netflix documentary about blue zones is interesting and worth a watch. Here’s a link to Bluezones:
Explore the Blue Zones in the 4-Part Netflix Docu-Series
This Netflix 4-part docu-series follows Blue Zones founder and National Geographic Fellow Dan Buettner as he explores the original blue zones and visits communities around the United States working to make it easier to live a better, longer
A World of Insects.
A World of Insects: The Harvard University Press Reader: Cardé, Ring T.: 9780674046191: Books
Buy A World of Insects: The Harvard University Press Reader by Cardé, Ring T. (ISBN: 9780674046191) from Amazon's Book Store. Everyday low prices and free delivery on eligible
Ooo! Now that's a good book.
Not read that for yonks.
Although I prefer Orwell, it has to be said that Huxley's vision of the future was more accurate than Orwell's. Both agreed that control of information was the way of the future, but Orwell thought it would be by restricting information whilst Huxley correctly guessed it would be by information overload.
Yes, a very good book.
I've just finished re-reading Kafka's 'Metamorphosis'. I'm sure we have all woken up in morning feeling like we have transformed in a revolting insect and just want to hide away. Love Kafka as well.
Currently on book 2. Thanks for the recommendationCheck out his Mist Born books they are really good.
Erm...yes, I suppose in 1984 that was the case.
Although I'm also not sure what difference that makes since the effect is just the same - restricting access to 'The Truth'.
Also, in 1984, there is the creation of Newspeak, which purposefully limits language to restrict thought and expression.
1984 - for the second time. Guess I just didn't get it on the first read many years agoHuxley’s Brave New World, for the second time
You getting it now?1984 - for the second time. Guess I just didn't get it on the first read many years ago
Oh yes. It's an extraordinarily easy read nowYou getting it now?