West Mdlands Meet - Summer'08


Dec 24, 2007
I'll have to work out how to download the pics from my phone - showing a female muntjack who walked past me without realising I was there - she was so close to me that she could've almost sat on my knee :p :nana: :lmao: .

Hope you'll be able to make the next one.

Alright, you win. As for the next one - so long as it isn't 29th-31st Aug, 5th-7th Sep or the19th-21st Sep I'll be there.


Dec 24, 2007
Sorry Cobweb - our larking about appears to have overshadowed your having to back out. But look at the bright side; at least you won't be missing my scintillating company :lmao:

Hope you can catch us at the next one


Full Member
May 2, 2007
I've just had a last minute wedding inquiry for the Saturday which if it goes ahead then I'm going to have to miss this one as well :(

Hope you can make the next one.

Alright, you win.

Nah, I'm gonna miss having that extra bit of sanity around!

As for the next one - so long as it isn't 29th-31st Aug, 5th-7th Sep or the19th-21st Sep I'll be there.

I'll do my best :notworthy .


Full Member
May 2, 2007
I've booked the ranges and times.
They will be on the Saturday - 11.00 and run until 12.00 and 14.00 - 15.00.


Archery :- 11.00 - 12.00
Air rifles :- 14.00 - 15.00

Group 2.

Air rifles :- 11.00 - 12.00
Archery :- 14.00 - 15.00



Please say if you have a preference for doing one or the other activity first - by posting in this thread only. The cost of the each session will be split equally between the number of people using the range (With eight people this works out as £3.13 per person on the rifle range, £2.75 per person on the archery range and £5.88 per person for those who uses both ranges). For obvious reasons I'm going to group family units together.
Oct 21, 2006
Hi Phil, At the minute i have got no plans for this weekend, so i'm hoping to be able to join you........but with my slightly hectic lifestyle.......i wont be able to confirm to nearer the time.

I've added my name to the list.

Meet list:

decorum + poss 1 extra - ground dwelling for this one.
Mesquite + 2 extra - Tarp.
maverick - hammock.
Bootstrap Bob - tarp and bivvi,
Wallenstein - tent.
Scrumpy - Scrumpy jr - Hammocks.
Woodstock + Mrs Woodstock + tent and -hammock.
T1tch - hammock.
Cobweb+Bramble+2 (if possible/real life allowing - confirm once date is set).
Wayland - Hammock + Mega tarp again.
Bodge + 2 or 3 or 4 - tents hammocks and tarps and kitchen sinks.
corr - tarp - hope so.
PJMcBear - Hammock.
WhichDoctor - Tent.
Dingo + 2 hammock & tent.
EEM tent (one night) -
Thunderbeard - Hammock.
shaggystu + 1 - tarp and bivvis
Xylaria + tribe (2 adults+2children in all)
Bushcraft Bailey - Hammock

Shooting list:

decorum - both - if needed to make up numbers.
Mesquite (+ 2 extra) - Archery and Air rifle
maverick - Archery and air rifle.
Bootstrap Bob - Archery.
Wallenstein - rifles.
WhichDoctor - Archery and Air rifle.
Xylaria + tribe - Archery and air rifle.
Thunderbeard - Archery
Andy2112 - Archery


Full Member
May 2, 2007
Hi Phil, At the minute i have got no plans for this weekend, so i'm hoping to be able to join you........but with my slightly hectic lifestyle.......i wont be able to confirm to nearer the time.

No worries - real life takes prority :D

Meet List:

Andy2112 +1
Bodge + 2 or 3 or 4 - tents hammocks and tarps and kitchen sinks.
Bootstrap Bob - tarp and bivvi,
Bushcraft Bailey - Hammock (Will confirm closer to date)
Cobweb+Bramble+2 (if possible/real life allowing - pending possible work).
corr - tarp - hope so.
decorum - ground dwelling for this one (+ poss 1 extra).
Dingo + 2 hammock & tent.
EEM tent (one night) -
Gwhtbushcraft + dad (hammocks)
maverick - hammock.
Mesquite + 2 extra - Tarp.
PJMcBear - Hammock.
Wallenstein - tent.
Scrumpy - Scrumpy jr - Hammocks.
shaggystu + 1 - tarp and bivvis
Thunderbeard - Hammock.
Wayland - Hammock + Mega tarp again.
WhichDoctor - Tent.
Woodstock + Mrs Woodstock + tent and -hammock.
Xylaria + tribe (2 adults+2children in all)

Shooting list:

The two sessions are now full - I may be able to book further sessions - but I make no promises!
You can, however, still add your name to the reserve list - first reserve will replace the first to drop out and so on (everyone else will take precedence to myself) or, if there is enough interest I'll ask the site whether we can have one or more extra sessions.

Andy2112 +1 - Archery & air rifle - Either session.
Bootstrap Bob - Archery - Either session.
Gwhtbushcraft + dad - archery and air rifle.
maverick - Archery and air rifle - Either session.
Mesquite (+ 2 extra) - Archery and Air rifle - Either session.
Thunderbeard - Archery.
Wallenstein - rifles. - Gp. 2.
WhichDoctor - Archery and Air rifle.
Xylaria + tribe - Archery and air rifle.

Reserve list for shooting:

decorum - both - if needed to make up numbers.

I've booked the ranges and times.
They will be on the Saturday - 11.00 and run until 12.00 and 14.00 - 15.00.


Archery :- 11.00 - 12.00
Air rifles :- 14.00 - 15.00

Group 2.

Air rifles :- 11.00 - 12.00
Archery :- 14.00 - 15.00


Full Member
May 2, 2007
I forgot to mention that I was being lectured at by a vegetarian*.

The last vegetarian who tried to lecture me used the most simple of organisms, the single celled aomeba as an example of a peaceful way of co-existance - he wound up not even being able to prove that he wasn't a colony of aomeba!

* I have no problems with anyone being, or becoming, a vegetarian. I do however have a problem with those who try to enforce their own beliefs and doctrines on others - whatever those beliefs may be and whatever method they use.


Full Member
May 2, 2007
woodstock - I have some easily transported fuel that you may wish to try in your bush buddy - pelleted pine powder :D . Let me know if you're interested and I'll bring some along.

xylaria - I haven't forgotten about the hexy stoves I mentioned at the Meet before last. Hopefully, having remembered this long I won't forget to bring them to the Meet :bluThinki .

And .....

:neo2: EDITED PRIOR TO POSTING :neo2: I was going to ask if anyone has a problem with being photographed? (This would include anyone who comes to the Meet) but I think that this would be something to cover on the weekend of the Meet.

In case anyone's forgotten - I have a bit of a problem with being photographed :eek:


Full Member
May 2, 2007
Been having a bit of a natter behind the scenes and we've come to the conclusion that the Meet raffle should be mentioned again.

It's purely voluntary and all proceeds will be going to BcUK to help fund the running of this site.
We don't want anyone to give away expensive kit nor do we want you to give away kit that you routinely use or need - unless you're horrendously rich :naughty: .
If you'd like to take part but are a bit short on kit and/or inspiration, then have a look through the articles section of this site or do a search on 'Bran Tub' and see if there's anything you fancy having a go at making.

Don't go out and buy kit specifically for the raffle - that isn't what this is about and it could completely wipe out what we're trying to do.

Please remember:
Once the raffle is done and dusted there's no going back.

Anyone else up for donating?
May 12, 2007
Derby, UK
If the proceeds are going to Bcuk i will donate one of my bushcrafter knives to the raffle,the winner can chose the scales and pin colours,and it will be made and delivered to them 2 weeks after there choice,hope it helps

Been having a bit of a natter behind the scenes and we've come to the conclusion that the Meet raffle should be mentioned again.

It's purely voluntary and all proceeds will be going to BcUK to help fund the running of this site.
We don't want anyone to give away expensive kit nor do we want you to give away kit that you routinely use or need - unless you're horrendously rich :naughty: .
If you'd like to take part but are a bit short on kit and/or inspiration, then have a look through the articles section of this site or do a search on 'Bran Tub' and see if there's anything you fancy having a go at making.

Don't go out and buy kit specifically for the raffle - that isn't what this is about and it could completely wipe out what we're trying to do.

Please remember:
Once the raffle is done and dusted there's no going back.

Anyone else up for donating?

I may find a little something to throw in the prize pot. I'll start having a dig around.

While I'm on should I bring anymore of the eco gel tins I had last time?

I will need some for the meet for myself and could bring some spares along if anyone wanted any.
If they are the same price as last time they cost me/you 85p with the vat.

Let me know via pm if you do want some brought to the meet so this thread doesn't get clogged up.
if everyone wants some I could start a midlands meet group buy type thing.



It is what it is.
Mar 5, 2008
~Hemel Hempstead~
If the proceeds are going to Bcuk i will donate one of my bushcrafter knives to the raffle,the winner can chose the scales and pin colours,and it will be made and delivered to them 2 weeks after there choice,hope it helps


Bernie all I have to say to that generous offer is.......... :wow1: :You_Rock_


Full Member
May 2, 2007
If the proceeds are going to Bcuk i will donate one of my bushcrafter knives to the raffle,the winner can chose the scales and pin colours,and it will be made and delivered to them 2 weeks after there choice,hope it helps


I'll echo Mesquites' comments. A very generous offer indeed and one which is sure to sell quite a few extra tickets. Many thanks - virtual rep sent :notworthy .


Full Member
May 2, 2007
While I'm on should I bring anymore of the eco gel tins I had last time?

For those who don't haven't come across these before they're tins of sugar cane alcohol. They ignite and extinguish quite easily. Although the tin is a little bit bigger than a trangia burner the container cools more rapidly.


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.