West Mdlands Meet - Summer'08


Apr 8, 2008
looks like a nice place to set up camp, not to far to travel to by the looks of it. What have you got up2 in the past?

"Badgers are evil, I tell you"


Full Member
May 2, 2007
...... what do you lot get upto when your all alone in the woods hahaha

The Survivalist

Ohhhh now that would be telling ;) You'll just have to come along and find that out for yourself if you dare :D

I'm quite glad thad Jed and his missus (congrats) weren't with us on the first one - we're not to blame!

I would but you didnt tell me were you are hiding

As this should be the 160th post since the 28 of May I think that it's more likely to be your observational skills than our ability to hide that has prevented you from spotting us earlier :lmao:

EDIT: I'm glad I said SHOULD :burnout:

do you have any events coming up after this one in July?

We haven't even started to think about the next one yet - well ..... not really :D.
I am, however, concidering offering to put a Meet together for weekend of next years outdoors show - the site we use is about 10 miles from the NEC.


Apr 8, 2008
You see i would have spotted this post but i vary rarly venture to the bottom section on the forum main page, but shame on me, Well i will deffo make time to come out for the next event you guys put on, beacuse it sounds like one hell of a good time, but for now have fun on your next one and keep it clean.

"Evil badgers II: The set of doom"


It is what it is.
Mar 5, 2008
~Hemel Hempstead~
.........What have you got up2 in the past?

All the usual big kids things that you can do in woods. Make camps, Build fires, chop up fallen trees :naughty: sit round at night time throwing logs on the fire occasionally and drinking alcohol whilst telling stories and jokes :beerchug: hunt pignuts.... pesky little varmints they are but delicious when you catch one :D and best of all we got to eat game stew prepared by a Viking in mufti :D :D :D

Have I missed anything out folks?

You see i would have spotted this post but i vary rarly venture to the bottom section on the forum main page, but shame on me........

Little hint to help you sneak up on us for next time. When you sign onto the forum click on the 'new posts' on the forum toolbar. That brings up everything that's been listed recently. That way you can keep abreast of things as they are listed without having to hunt through each category


Dec 24, 2007
Have I missed anything out folks?

Teaching kids that water makes fire burn faster.

Almost loosing axes in lumps of wood - wish we'd got a photo of that log when we had the three axes stuck in it :D

You know since the last one I have spent hours stalking pig nuts and not one has fallen to my digging stick. They are either more inteligent over here and see me coming, or they have all been eated...

(sorry can't resist it) by some greedy pig

I'll get my coat


It is what it is.
Mar 5, 2008
~Hemel Hempstead~
Almost loosing axes in lumps of wood - wish we'd got a photo of that log when we had the three axes stuck in it :D

This log you mean? :)



You know since the last one I have spent hours stalking pig nuts and not one has fallen to my digging stick. They are either more inteligent over here and see me coming, or they have all been eated...

(sorry can't resist it) by some greedy pig

I know what you mean, since then I have only been able to find 2 lonely little pig nuts and I didn't have the heart to pounce on them with my digging stick so I left them in peace hoping they shall multiply and next year there shall be a more bountiful crop of them.


Apr 8, 2008
Well it sounds like a really really good time none the less, as soon as the dates are posted for the one after July then I will defo be there as it beats doing bushcraft alone and should be able to pick up new tips and advice from you guys.

Laters and dont let the badger bite

(I really dont know whats wrong with me, I've got a strange facination for basgers :S)


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Apr 7, 2007
off grid somewhere else
That reminds me.

Are we going to do something special for the Saturday evening meal? If so, any suggestions as to what?
what about a put in the pot we used to do it at protests veg or anything you had was thrown in the pot at the end of the day it was food it was edible and it always tasted great this is a bit of a tribute to my mum who has been diagnosed with cancer of the lung which is non-operative and a was a great campaigner for human rights and spent years at protest's up and down the country


Full Member
May 2, 2007
Are we going to do something special for the Saturday evening meal? If so, any suggestions as to what?

what about a put in the pot we used to do it at protests veg or anything you had was thrown in the pot at the end of the day it was food it was edible and it always tasted great

It's a good idea. However I'm loathe to rely on people bringing unspecified stuff on speculation - at some point we'd be bound to get 40kg of baking spuds with little to go with them :lmao: added to this is is the 'I've brought all this and he/she only brought along ...... ' senario; It's happened before - the lack of 'stuff' was down to lack of confidence and they confided to thinking 'I've only brought this and .....' . With a 'possible' 30 - 40 coming we won't know what we have until we're there and so don't know what we'll need pot wise.

this is a bit of a tribute to my mum who has been diagnosed with cancer of the lung which is non-operative and a was a great campaigner for human rights and spent years at protest's up and down the country

I lost my Mum similarly a few years ago. Our thoughts go out to her and your entire family.


Mar 18, 2008
I don't mind sorting the meat out again although I realise I got way too much last time so I should budget on a lower price?
I have looked back in the post and it looks like there will be around 35 attending?
At £1 per head I can get a reasonable variety of game and vermin + whatever I can catch the night before, probably, weather depending a fair haul !
All bought meat is from http://www.gamedealers.net/ he is a nice guy who buys and sells locally caught meat, so fresh it still wriggles!
I'll be bringing a dutch oven, think it's 6 liter, as I want to have a go at a bush curry, this will be on top of the food quota.
Is Wayland bringing his cauldron, it will be a struggle with out it? Also a fair sized pot to cook some rice in would be a genius idea.
Does anyone grow any veggies they can bring along, and does my meat suggestion sound ok?


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Apr 7, 2007
off grid somewhere else
I don't mind sorting the meat out again although I realise I got way too much last time so I should budget on a lower price?
I have looked back in the post and it looks like there will be around 35 attending?
At £1 per head I can get a reasonable variety of game and vermin + whatever I can catch the night before, probably, weather depending a fair haul !
All bought meat is from http://www.gamedealers.net/ he is a nice guy who buys and sells locally caught meat, so fresh it still wriggles!
I'll be bringing a dutch oven, think it's 6 liter, as I want to have a go at a bush curry, this will be on top of the food quota.
Is Wayland bringing his cauldron, it will be a struggle with out it? Also a fair sized pot to cook some rice in would be a genius idea.

I have a pot big enought for the amount of people expected to do rice or curry and it will hang over a fire I will try to bring some rabbits this time

Ps do you want some masala for the curry Kashmiri


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Apr 7, 2007
off grid somewhere else
I don't mind sorting the meat out again although I realise I got way too much last time so I should budget on a lower price?
I have looked back in the post and it looks like there will be around 35 attending?
At £1 per head I can get a reasonable variety of game and vermin + whatever I can catch the night before, probably, weather depending a fair haul !
All bought meat is from http://www.gamedealers.net/ he is a nice guy who buys and sells locally caught meat, so fresh it still wriggles!
I'll be bringing a dutch oven, think it's 6 liter, as I want to have a go at a bush curry, this will be on top of the food quota.
Is Wayland bringing his cauldron, it will be a struggle with out it? Also a fair sized pot to cook some rice in would be a genius idea.

I have a pot big enought for the amount of people expected to do rice or curry and it will hang over a fire I will try to bring some rabbits this time

Ps do you want some masala for the curry Kashmiri


On a new journey
Jan 4, 2007
West Midlands
Is it worth starting a list of things we need for the cook-out ? ie veg, rice etc ? and maybe someone putting thier name buy the item they will bring ?

I'm drooling already as i have never had game before !! and it sounds real goooooood.

I'm counting the days till the 18th.:D


Full Member
May 2, 2007
It's here :D

Before I go on.

These are my true and honest impressions - although Bernie has been kind enough to make and donate this knife he has asked for absolutely nothing in return.

First impressions?

Is it enough to say that even if I don't win there's now a really big temptation to save up and buy one anyway?
Or to go even further and say that I'd possibly go for a custom jobbie or even consider a commission?
And this is without even using it!
I've not done any kind of testing - at all!
I've only held it and it oozes quality - by the gallon.





This is one serious (and seriously nice) knife folks - Good as Bernies' pics are they don't do his work the justice that I feel they deserve!
This knife looks even better in real life and feels great in the hand :Wow: :notworthy.

And most importantly - it FEELS like a real user!

Once again I'd like to extend my thanks to Bernie :notworthy
It's here :D

Before I go on.

These are my true and honest impressions - although Bernie has been kind enough to make and donate this knife he has asked for absolutely nothing in return.

First impressions?

Is it enough to say that even if I don't win there's now a really big temptation to save up and buy one anyway?
Or to go even further and say that I'd possibly go for a custom jobbie or even consider a commission?
And this is without even using it!
I've not done any kind of testing - at all!
I've only held it and it oozes quality - by the gallon.





This is one serious (and seriously nice) knife folks - Good as Bernies' pics are they don't do his work the justice that I feel they deserve!
This knife looks even better in real life and feels great in the hand :Wow: :notworthy.

And most importantly - it FEELS like a real user!

Once again I'd like to extend my thanks to Bernie :notworthy

you wont be getting any ideas of cancelling the meet now will you Decorum?:D :lmao: :D

I think the raffle will go down a storm mate. It will be worth attending just for the chance to win this knife:)

Kudos to you Bernie for all your hard work and true BCUK spirit.:You_Rock_



Mar 18, 2008
I am amazed at the generosity of people some times, there is obviously a lot of love gone in to making such a beautiful knife and a lot of time, lets hope it goes to someone who really appreciates it. Good man Berni, good karma to you!


Full Member
May 2, 2007
you wont be getting any ideas of cancelling the meet now will you Decorum?:D :lmao: :D

:lmao: Nope. Bernie has my address now :lmao:

I think the raffle will go down a storm mate. It will be worth attending just for the chance to win this knife:)

And for Oat cakes :approve: and Waylands armour plating scouring pads :yikes:

Kudos to you Bernie for all your hard work and true BCUK spirit.:You_Rock_
I am amazed at the generosity of people some times, there is obviously a lot of love gone in to making such a beautiful knife and a lot of time

Too true!

lets hope it goes to someone who really appreciates it. Good man Berni, good karma to you!

According to the most recent edition the word goes has under gone a slight transformation. Goes is now pronounced 'keeps' :D .

Bootstrap Bob

Full Member
Jun 21, 2006
Is it worth starting a list of things we need for the cook-out ? ie veg, rice etc ? and maybe someone putting thier name buy the item they will bring ?

I'm drooling already as i have never had game before !! and it sounds real goooooood.

I'm counting the days till the 18th.:D

This sounds like a plan to me and although I don't have any large cooking utensils I have no problem bringing along something for the pot. Any suggestions?

I usually have some bannock mix ready to go if anyone fancies some.:)


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.