Hello all,
Firstly, this is probably as far off topic as we're ever likely to get! Though I do need your help.
I've looked at all the webdesign resources I can possibly think of and I'm yet to find a tutorial that'll show me how to add a field on a web page that when submitted will automatically update the web page itself.
Take a look at this page on my current site http://www.boxsta.co.uk/boxsta/links.htm I want to recreate the same thing but I want to write it myself and not have some external site host it for me.
Any ideas/tips/pointers greatly appreciated. Again I realise this is wayyyyyyyyyy off topic but I am yet to post to BCUK and not get a satidfactory answer. So let'd get your thinking caps on guys.
Thanking you all in advance.
Firstly, this is probably as far off topic as we're ever likely to get! Though I do need your help.
I've looked at all the webdesign resources I can possibly think of and I'm yet to find a tutorial that'll show me how to add a field on a web page that when submitted will automatically update the web page itself.
Take a look at this page on my current site http://www.boxsta.co.uk/boxsta/links.htm I want to recreate the same thing but I want to write it myself and not have some external site host it for me.
Any ideas/tips/pointers greatly appreciated. Again I realise this is wayyyyyyyyyy off topic but I am yet to post to BCUK and not get a satidfactory answer. So let'd get your thinking caps on guys.
Thanking you all in advance.