Snip> Again no offence meant, <Snip
None taken, unlike some I could think of, when you poke a stick at something you usually have something worthwhile to say about a matter.
Snip> Go and look in the old Scouting books, we are doing much of what they did around 90 years ago <Snip
The odd thing is that I was thrown out of the cubs because I wasn't much of a conformist then either.
I must admit I started this thread a little mischievously because I was getting fed up of BG v RM threads and how sharp is sharp type stuff myself.
Snip>Maybe that was Waylands point in the first place ?
Perhaps he was stating the fact that his mate had wrecked a £300 goretex mountaineering jacket because he`d been practising a flint and steel fire lighting or sat too near the fire once too often. <Snip
Actually he said something to the effect that the old one had been washed a few too many times and wasn't working like it should.