Trip To Sweden


Sep 22, 2006
W Yorkshire
Great replies thanks to everyone!

I thought Id add the travel plans so people can give some better advice.

We will take a flight out to Goteborg, travel north to vannersborg. ( I hear there is a nature reserve here with europes biggest deer? ) Then walk back to goteborg for the flight home. Ive worked it out to just under 100 Kilometers give or take but without any maps yet No route has been planned so It could be more or it could be less. Either way I think 7-10 days should be adequate time for us to experience the area and get home in time.


That is very close to my area, and I have done that hike a few times. You can pm me and we can sort something out.

robin wood

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Oct 29, 2007
Great replies thanks to everyone!

I thought Id add the travel plans so people can give some better advice.

We will take a flight out to Goteborg, travel north to vannersborg. ( I hear there is a nature reserve here with europes biggest deer? ) Then walk back to goteborg for the flight home. Ive worked it out to just under 100 Kilometers give or take but without any maps yet No route has been planned so It could be more or it could be less. Either way I think 7-10 days should be adequate time for us to experience the area and get home in time.


Ah so Josh's up to the North is actually up North in the South. I love the Bohuslan coast and would defo consider spending some time inland some time along the coast.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
I think i'd definitely take an axe over a camp knife.

Just remembered one thing. We do have a "knife" law (actually a "street weapon" law, but it is commonly called the knife law). As long as you are in your bushy kit and the knife or axe in in question is a sane choice for bushy endevours (i.e. no 35 cm kukris or black and scary "tactical" crap), obviously on your way to or from an outing there should be no problems, but it might be advisable to tuck the knives into your packs when going into shopes and such. Generally the idea is about the same as the UK law, but with a sane level of enforcement; don't be a problem and no one will care, be a problem and it is a handy thing to grab you for.

Out in the woods knives are perfectly ok, it's just inside built up areas you have to think about it. And even there it is very much a question of if you look like trouble or not.


Full Member
Jun 18, 2008
Off the beaten track
Just remembered one thing. We do have a "knife" law (actually a "street weapon" law, but it is commonly called the knife law). As long as you are in your bushy kit and the knife or axe in in question is a sane choice for bushy endevours (i.e. no 35 cm kukris or black and scary "tactical" crap), obviously on your way to or from an outing there should be no problems, but it might be advisable to tuck the knives into your packs when going into shopes and such. Generally the idea is about the same as the UK law, but with a sane level of enforcement; don't be a problem and no one will care, be a problem and it is a handy thing to grab you for.

Out in the woods knives are perfectly ok, it's just inside built up areas you have to think about it. And even there it is very much a question of if you look like trouble or not.

Thanks for that, basicaly common sense then really. I will be taking a larger camp knife for splitting and other tasks and it will be kept inside my pack for alot of the time unless Im using it ofcourse. lol.


Full Member
Dec 23, 2006
I watched a workman walking around inside Goteborg airport with a Mora knife clearly in view and no one seemed to bother.
Just my opinion but I always take an axe to Sweden, makes life alot easier for chopping firewood. Learnt this the usual hard way.
Cheers Riven.


Full Member
Jun 18, 2008
Off the beaten track
I watched a workman walking around inside Goteborg airport with a Mora knife clearly in view and no one seemed to bother.
Just my opinion but I always take an axe to Sweden, makes life alot easier for chopping firewood. Learnt this the usual hard way.
Cheers Riven.

I doubt hed be able to do that at heathrow :O

Thanks for the advice, I think Josh is planning on bringing an axe, I was just going to take a folding saw and a knife :)


Mar 13, 2008
Relocated to Sweden
If it is Vänersborg you're off to in June/July/August I doubt you will have much problem with low temperatures.
Last year at this time there were hot Summer days but a LOT of rain. Much more than in a 'normal' year - the kind of rain that would sheet down for 3 days. So I would be more concerned about getting soaked than freezing.
I am about 80 odd miles NE of Vänersborg and got absolutely tortured in August by biting insects that I hardly ever saw! They made my nights almost unbearable. From my research it is possible that I was suffering allergic reaction to the bites, which sometimes can happen until the body acclimatises to a new country/environment.
My one piece of advice to you would be to bring more than adequate protection against midges in the form of clothing, netting, creams, anti-histamines etc.
Look out for ankle gaiters by the original bug shirt company.

Note: The Swedish brands of mozzy repellent do not contain DEET - which is the stuff that actually works. Bring plenty of the 100% stuff!

I can only speak from my experience of being here these last 8 months. Many people told me in the Summer that it rained far more than is usual and this combined with the heat may have boosted the midges/mozzy/blackfly/no-see-um population.
According to the most ancient inhabitant of my village this has also been the coldest and snowiest Winter since at least 1965/66 so who can guess what you may encounter?
Perhaps you will only have glorious insect-free days but whatever you get, all the countryside here is fantastic.


Full Member
Dec 23, 2006
Hi JimmyT, live anywhere near Tiveden/Karlsborg? Trying to move over ourselves but UK Government keep making a copup of the economy. Interested to know how you found the move.
Cheers, Riven.
Sounds like a great plan for a holiday! weeks
I'm lucky enough to spend around 4 every summer in Sweden, near Gothenburg (married a Swede).
So as for the weather, it can occasionally be very hot (28C - 30C), but it can also be very unpredictable, rainy, stormy etc. Think of something like summer in Scotland and you'll have the picture.
Mosquitos can be a menace, especially in dense forrest areas, less so where you can get a breeze e.g. by the coast. So, cover up completely after dark. Make sure your tent / bivvy / hammock has very fine gauge netting. Wear lots of repellant. Eat vitamin B for a few weeks before you go (Marmite will do). the first few years I went I had terrible huge bites, but they are slowly getting less itchy as I build up resistance.
Finance wise, things that are still marginally more expensive include alcohol, eating out, taxis etc. Swedish youth hostels are good (you could use the one in GTB on your return), people are generally welcoming to the English, but just be sensible, don't go chopping down loads of trees in a nature reserve a few Km's outside town, or camping in someone's back garden. Almost everyone speaks good English
Distances are huge as Robin said, so don't bite off too much.
If you need any more specific info I'll try to help if I can. Good luck, + hope you have a great time!
Here are some links for you. Obviously you'll be out in nature most of the time but if you do need some cheap accommodation on your way back through Gothenburg maybe have a look at he last two links:

Swedish Tourist Bureau:
Swedish Trekking and Hostel Association
Another hostel association:
Hostel in Centre of Gothenburg:
Another Hostel in Centre of Gothenburg:


Mar 13, 2008
Relocated to Sweden
I live in a small village near Töreboda - so not too far from Tiveden which I visited in the Summer. I'm enjoying it out here but there are no jobs, so if nothing arrives in the next few months I may have to sell-up and move back.
Hope not!


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.