Transition from Military to Civilian (with kids) outdoor stuff...

Nov 15, 2012
I have been being pestered by my nephews for ages now since I moved back home after leaving the army to take them camping and do out doory stuff.

The problem I have is, all my training and equipment experience has been with the military. I can hardly have them tabbing with webbing on, and sleeping under bashers with no white light...

So I was looking for some advice, basically what equipment is good for young ones to take with them? And how do you deal with take kids of around 10 out for a couple of nights. Should I be making them carry their own kit? I have a load of old day sacks now stashed in the loft (Camelbak Motherlodes etc... which I was going to stick on ebay), but if they are an ok size I can let them use them.

And any other advice about taking youngsters out... I feel that they might like the idea of it more than the application!

Ogri the trog

Apr 29, 2005
Mid Wales UK
Welcome to the best Bushcraft forum on the net - I hope you enjoy your time here.

Taking your nephews out should be an easy transition - start easy - set up your camp and invite them for the day - maybe cook a meal with them and spend the time showing them the things you'd look for for signs of "an enemy" intruder - be that a person, deer or badger, show them how you'd set up an OP and even how and why you pack your kit the way you do. It can take a number of day trips before you get to having them stay over night - by which time, they'll be hanging on every word.


Ogri the trog

ex-member BareThrills

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Dec 5, 2011
United Kingdom
my daughter is six and we go out fairly often. She carries a 16l pack with her clothes and hygiene kit and i carry the rest. We only car camp for now but she is happy practicing fire lighting skills and helping with the cooking. When i was 10 i was tabbing round north Wales with my dad carrying 40 litres of the lighter gear while dad humped the heavy stuff. Your military background will make it fun im sure. More than anything i find kids are just happy to be out and will entertain themselves as long as you keep the environment safe.

we started with a camp in the back garden to check she could hack it but she was 4 at the time. 10 year olds should be ready to rumble. Id stick them in a tent to begin with and maybe take a good sized tarp so you have an admin area if its wet.

have fun and welcome to the forum


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Jan 18, 2009
Dark side of the Moon
as above mate, teach some field craft, try stalking some animals instead of people and get as close as you can....:)

as long as they are warm and not hungry they will love just being out, especialy if they have been asking to go with you...

again bergan packing, fire craft, cooking, safe water, basic cuts and grazes first aid etc etc, just keep it low key and fun for now, get them to join in and enjoy...:)

best of luck....


Nov 15, 2012
Thanks guys.

I think giving them adult size daysacks atm was probably a bit optimistic. I think the practical thing is to drive to a camp site and do no walking with kit. I'm sure the sleeping out, and going for a walk and some fishing would be interesting for them. Maybe having a small fire going and cooking up on stoves will be enough to keep them happy.
IMO I remember going out as a Bairn, just remember to include them. I know it seems obvious but when you teach them let them join in, trust me Kids learn fast and listen better than Adults. You will have as much fun as they will, because there is no prouder moment than seeing a Bairn smile the first time they make a Bannock or even catch their first fish. Better not let my wife read this, she will want kids and if I get sentimental about them pop goes my freedom (and disposable income)


Jun 10, 2006
south wales
Children take to the outdoors more that a lot of adults. I would car camp, definitely a tent to start the off at least, get a cheap dome tent That'll do to start with. Search the net for campsites that allow fires, more and more do these days. Couple of blow up airbeds and a couple of quilts from home then if and when they decide they like the outdoors you can look at your kit again. No point splashing out on stuff that won't get used.

My four year old grandson loves it, I'm sure you'll have a great time :)


Full Member
Apr 12, 2008
Hi Sammym, & welcome to the forum, I started of with short walks, then giving them small packs so they carry a few bits & build on that. 2hrs out is a long time to a youngster, they will happily eat breakfast, dinner & tea in that time, let alone have a drink !. building up to a night out is not difficult, just make it enjoyable & they'll come back for more. I must of done something right, my daughter has done week long treks on her own, & my son is now in the army & on exercise this week.



Full Member
Sep 18, 2008
Scouser living in Salford South UK
Welcome aboard pal, all of the above mate, kids love army stuff, cam&con, improvised shelters, fire lighting. Vehicle camps to start with and see how they go, maybe get them to join a cub scout group.


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