spray your clothes with permetherine as a first line of defence, then o'tom twister
Permethrin is really effective against getting them on you in the first place.
For tick removal, we've tried most readily available ones on the market.
The best we've found is the O'Tom twister lasso thing.
As a bit of background our summer house is surrounded by fields that are infested with ticks.
It's not uncommon to remove 30, 40 or even 50 ticks off our little 5kg Jack Russell of a night.
Finger nails and tweezers are the worst removal method we've found.
The V slot type are OK but not brilliant.
Problem we found was that to remove them more effectively it's better to twist as you pull, with the V slot type it's tough to do this without decapitating the tick.
If we remove say 30, at least 5 will be decapitated.
With the lasso type we've not had a decapitation yet.
It's quick, easy and very effective.
I keep one in each of my rucksacks and first aid kits, one in my car and we have several at the summer house.
Luckily our dog is pretty much bald in the summer as she sheds most of her fur, so tick detection and removal are pretty easy.
The bro-in-laws poodle on the other hand is a nightmare.
Trick is to concentrate on the warmer areas of the body, like the inside of joints, under arms, etc