Its not unsafe - ive done it - its fun - like chopping firewood is fun - like carving spoons is fun - most of the competitors forge thier own knives - thats fun too - and instructional - and a bit more dangerous than chopping a plastic drinking straw - and thats fun too.
Really there must be more common sense applied to these rants - if you dont feel its safe dont go, but dont say that nobody else can go - thats just selfish. And dont set yourself up as the only person that can see sense and start declaring what you decide is safe for all - let people make up their own minds - we are all capable of deciding for ourself - we dont NEED somebody to do that for us - our childern may do, but thats our job as parents not someone elses.
Relying on others opinions as to the relative safety of a situation is just a way of passing the buck and or making a fast buck.