The Official Vegetarian/Vegan Camp Recipe Thread!

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Thanks. I will make that lentil dish. I'm disappointed how mushy and sloppy they go.
Cook to what? al dente'? Mush is unappealing.

2 tbsp vinegar of your choice
1 tsp each dried basil flakes and sugar
stir to dissolve the sugar and wet the basil flakes (fresh dice if you have it)
Last, add 2 tbs good EVO and shake like hello.

This is good on salad greens, should fit with the lentils, too.

I like them al dente too.
Boiled to a mush - i dilute, add chopped spring onion and call it soup!
Here is another meat free dish.
Fried Cauliflower.
Separate Cauliflower into large florettes. Do NOT throw away the centre stem! Do NOT throw away the leaves at the bottom!

Steam florettes a few minutes but so the centre still is firm.
SAVE the water!
Make crepes batter ( thin pankakes, batter for fish, the japanese batter, whatever you prefer and can do)

Heat up oil in a pan, inch thick layer.
Immerse drained in batter, lift up and fry on all sides. SAVE a few florettes, unbattered!
Save leftover batter
Eat with Sauce Tartare, or plain mayo.

Cauliflower Soup - next day.

Take the water you boiled the florettes in.
Peel a couple of spuds, cut in small pieces.
Cut a clove of garlic, dice or crush.
Cut the leaves from the caulifliwer into strips, same with center of cauliflower
Put in the liquid, boil until tender.
Add the preboiled flirettes, cut into smalker pieces
Salt or use a seasoning type Maggi seasoning. Maybe Yugo Vegeta or the Polish Kucharek?

At the end, while boiling, drip in the remaining batter.
Muesli Biscuits (make at home)
Put Jordan’s No sugar muesli in a bowl add a handful of Green raisins or golden sultanas, assorted nuts n seeds of your choice & mix well
Add a generous squirt of Agave Nectar
Microwave on full power for 30 seconds
Mix & Microwave on full power again for another 30 seconds
While still hot spoon some of the mixture onto a polly bag fold the bag tightly round & form into biscuit shapes turn onto a plate & allow to cool…
Yum Yum…!

Vegan infusions.

1: Boil shoots/tips of young Spruce/Pine trees for a few minutes
2: Boil Birch leaves, the younger the better, for a few minutes.
3: many flowers make a nice infusion. You need to know which are poisonous though.
Dandelions are excellent.

Spring time you can collect a bit of sweet sap from Birch by taking the tip of a branch then putting it in a bottle that will collect the sap.
Lots of business collecting and concentrating birch sap here. Heaven on pancakes.
Same in the Russian Far East = Kabarovsk Krai. They are really good at it.
Trees under 10" DBH are the biggest producers.

The humming birds here suck on the bleeding ends of my pruned grape vine twigss.
True, the sap is noticably sweet. Funny when the little fluffers challenge me to be in there!

I can't imagine restricting my millions of years of obvious omnivory for a diet inadequate in lysine and tryptophan = those are not everywhere.
Parents have recently been convicted of killing their child with a strict vegan diet. Poor little kid. Denied the necessities of life.

Bison again tonight. Lots of it. I love the vegetarians in a toasted bun.
I like my meat too.Son brought a couple of Bison steaks last time, and my assistant will bring some more.

But sometimes it is nice to eat vegan. Gives the old intestines a good workout.

You too eat vegetarian and enjoy it. Psncakes with Birch syrup sounds tasty!
best vegan egg replacement i've heard of is a relatively new invention called aquafaba
you can google how to make it but it comes from chickpeas. it's a bit harder to use than egg but you can bake, fry, even make merigues apparently
Maybe not relevant for hiking, but there is a vegan mayo out since a few years that is really good.
Not sure if you can buy it in UK.
Taste? Like the best mayonnaise you can buy. Called 'just mayo'.
Sweet creamy muesli with coconut milk


(Dehydrated) prepared & packed in a Zip lock bag @ home

Just add water

Now With Vegan coconut milk powder!

@ home add 1 bowl of Jordan’s No sugar muesli, a handful of Dehydrated mixed fruit of your choice, 1 tablespoon Crystallized Fructose (Fruit sugar), 2 tablespoon Vegan Coconut Milk Powder ( £7.79 per kilo ) to a fairly big zip lock bag IE. big enough to hold all the ingredients & 200ml of water

Ready to eat

Carefully add 200ml cold water to the zip lock bag reseal & mix thoroughly, Empty contents into a bowl & enjoy.
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