The "Make a pair of bookends" Challenge


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
While I was on a bimble in the woods with my brother and best mate just after Christmas it was decided that for the next challenge we'd make a pair of bookends. (Previous to that was a desktidy and before that was a Chessboard, both of which you can find here from postings I made)

So we agreed on certain parameters and each of us went our seperate way to make them.

Now I won't say whose is whose but if you've seen previous postings of these challenges then you don't need to be a rocket scientist to figure out who did which.

First up is this little throw togther. A matching pair of segmented vases made from Yew, purpleheart and walnut, mounted on a Maple L frame. (The DVD's are for scale) 168 individual pieces of wood were used to make just one of those vases.


Next up. A steampunk themed pair, made from Oak L frames with a clock, thermometer, barometer and assorted paraphenalia added to it. The test tube has a red LED in it which lights it up powered from a 9v battery hidden in the chassis under the toggle switch.


Lastly: Another Steampunk themed matching bookends made entirely from Oak, (the same 22mm plank actually). The darker cogs were darkened using a rosewood stain to give them a bit of contrast to each other.


And that's it. These are currently posted over at DeviantArt and the winner is the one who gets the most views and favs and to spice up the contest a bit they're also on ebay. Contest closes at 7pm Sunday evening. So if you want to vote for which ever one of this batch you like follow my link below and just click on the one to view it and then fav it if you have an account there, leave a comment too, but no pressure.

Thanks for reading.
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Jan 4, 2010
S. Staffs
For some reason C**patalk won't show the pictures. So I have had to go on a strange journey through the weirdness that is deviantart!

Favourite is the mad scientist (wifey says it would be pain to dust!), then cogs then vases.

Now I need to wash my brain out!


Sent from my sudsy yellow nozzle using foaming nocturnal ejectamenta.


Full Member
May 17, 2010
Manchester, England
The vases pip it over the Mad scientist ones for me, just because of the amount of work that has gone into them and then a close 3rd is the cogs

But would be happy to have any of them lol



Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Thanks for the feedback chaps.

Well the contest closed last night and I need to tally up the results based on the hits they each got over at DeviantArt combined with the hits and bids on ebay. They didn't sell on ebay, even though the vase one did get six bids the reserve wasn't met. I think the highest bid was £4.65. Taking the mick had they not had a reserve set on them methinks.

Just for your info Paul of made the vase ones. And you're right to choose those over the others based on the work that went into them. a LOT of time was spent getting them just so and they are gorgeous!

My Brother, the mad scientist, created the clock one. He robbed a few bits off his desk tidy to make that which was sort of cheating but what the hell. His got the most hits at ebay and two bids. £2.60 (whoop dee doo) again a country mile short of the reserve price.

Finally mine's the one with cogs. I kept faffing around trying to make my mind up for what I wanted to make, dithering until that deadline was on the horizon. So two days before the cut off day I spent about 5 hours in Paul's workshop and threw that together using a floor board for the wood and a bandsaw to cut the cogs. I think mine was the fastest made, and could possibly be the winner based on the hits and favs at DeviantArt. Like I said I need to confirm that result.

The next project hasn't been formally laid down yet but it looks like it's going to be a gun that has to fire a minmum of three elastic bands, but individuay without recocking the gun for each fire. Should be fun. Youtube has some AMAZING examples of what people with far too much time on their hands have made. I'll show what the result of that are sometime in August. Stay tooned.

Thanks for reading.

To see those vases made have a gander at this vid:

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