The Jukebox

  • Hey Guest, Early bird pricing on the Summer Moot (21st July - 2nd August) available until March 31st, we'd love you to come. PLEASE CLICK HERE to early bird price and get more information.
Thanks, gents; I'm off to Dublin on the milk boat to do the honours over there, I'll be back Thursday..................
A rare auld thing, this; a good(ish) Hendrix cover...................

a song for reflective moods.

When I left school, way back then, all I wanted in life was a Martin D20 acoustic guitar. I had a no-name jobby that'd been fettled to within an inch of it's life and I knew I was soon to outgrow it. The trouble was that American import instruments were extremely expensive, and I was on apprentice money for the forseeable future and my parents had six younger than me to feed and clothe so I thought this an endless task; my wages hardly changed but the guitar kept getting dearer.........But I persevered and after two years I had just over half what I needed, and the task began to feel unachieveable when one Sunday morning my mother asked me to sing her the song you hear below; it was one of the first things I'd learned, from this very recording, and she wanted to see how well I could cover it. I played it for her and she just loved it......she asked how much I needed to top up my savings, went away for a minute or two and came back with the cash in her hand, and said she'd had a little win on the Bingo now and then over the years and would like me to have the guitar and just let her have as much back as I could afford. To cut this a bit shorter, I got my guitar and worked really hard, both learning and paying mum back. This became her favourite tune and I played and sang it for her over many years for birthdays and special family does or just when she'd ask for it; it never failed to bring the tears to her eyes and sometimes to mine.

I lost her today at 94 yrs. old......In comfort and peace she left us gently, so this is for her........................... ...


[video]What a wonderful mum and I know how you feel as me and my mum were very close 18years diff. in age, sang with Maggie Bell got a invite to the Woodstock Festival I was so lucky to have such a mother this was one of her party pieces   [/video]
]What a wonderful mum and I know how you feel as me my mum were very close 18years diff. in age, sang with Maggie Bell got a invite to the Woodstock Festival I was so lucky to have such a mother this was one of her party pieces
And now for something completely different...............

The Paul Butterfield Blues Band performing a Little Walter number in 1965.



We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.