it has nothing to do with isolation. Scotland is what I want period. There is no question about that. I get the point that it is not like Alaska, the rainforest, the amazon, the plains of Australia, I get it. With how many people have said it, I truly doubt I can dispute it. The way he is living is what I want. I wanted it before I knew he existed. This is what I want. Scotland is my home regardless of modern day society views and I REALLY don't want to get into a political discussion about it please.He has lived in isolation but he hasn't lived totally out of human contact. The estate staff has known for a very long time he's been living there and perform regular welfare checks on him. He lives there because he's allowed to by the landowner.
You seem to be fixating on Scotland having rolling expanses of wilderness and people are trying to tell you this isn't the reality of it. Even the gentleman who lives on Loch Treig is just a under a 90 minute drive from Fort William which is the closest large town to him and there's numerous small villages closer to him.
Compare that to the likes of Maine which is a comparable size to Scotland. It has a population of approximately a fifth of what Scotland has and you can truly live an isolated life there
8,352 mile
What I am trying to figure out is how. He MAY have or MAY NOT have gotten land owner permission. From his story it sounds like he didn't the estate care takers found out and turned a blind eye. No one knows people are only making an assumption because there is nothing on the internet that shares that detail.
I respectfully wish people at this point would stop repeating themselves. I get it. I won't be 3,598,352 miles away from people. I get it. I know Maine has a similar climate, I know Alaska is good, I know the rainforest is good. I am sorry to be nasty but I am just getting overwhelmed at this point and I am tired of how much research I do from day to day. I wake up, I code all day, on my breaks I research, at the end of the day I research, on weekends I train. Some weeks I train all day. It has just become so exhausting at this point. I am autistic and do NOT do well with people. So I am sorry I am getting overwhelmed by the same answers and I am sorry. I just don't understand if no one is getting my point. I get that it's not the 14th C. I get that 90% of trees were cut down in the 60s. I get it. 1 hour from civilisation is good enough to me. It's rare you will ever see anyone and that is sooooo great. Please let us move on from this.
All I asked was if anyone knew how he did it and clearly the answer is not possible, only speculative. Therefore, I used hypothetical editing stating what happens if I do it. What would happen? What would the owner say, would he/she/they not turn a blind eye too?
New question
How would I even get in contact with them
Please forgive me again for my nastiness. I am just overwhelmed and I am sorry