No, Beenn can't because he's already been asked by the Boss not to swap items or ask for any more of them on the forum.
Offer now up again!
No, Beenn can't because he's already been asked by the Boss not to swap items or ask for any more of them on the forum.
No, Beenn can't because he's already been asked by the Boss not to swap items or ask for any more of them on the forum.
As Hen has bowed out and the next to ask was Beenn, PM ya addy mate and i'll get it sent asap.
I did not think the gift it on thread was swapping??
Technically it is a swap between 3 people
OK then, so waiting for Toddy to offer up now. Maybe we can get this thread moving again
hmm.. only asking as its not in the swap section and its the gift it on thread
You can indeed. pm will be shortly.
I offer one yard of 6" wide Theraband gold.
That's a *lot* of catapults
Beaten to it.