The funny and the idiotic mistakes

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Jul 16, 2009
East sussex
Mine isn't very funny. Spur of the moment decision to go walking when the wife was away. Got up at stupid o'clock, drove to mid wales, arrived before a september sunrise. No-one knew where I was. Walked too far, ran out of energy, food and water. Made a navigation error and lost an awful lot of height on my route, and then realised how tired i was when I had to start climbing again, into a stiff headwind. So tired I could only walk about 20 yards at a time, and dehydrated, so I couldn't add up the four coins in my wallet. Lost the path. No mobile phone signal of course. Made it back to the car as the sun set, and got safely home.

I learned a lot of things that day. Mainly about what not to do.

I'm a much better outdoorsman now as a result of that day.

best way to avoid that is to always carry a milbanks bag, a metal mug and something to boil the water with (honey stove is great for that) and you should never be without water, unless your in a desert, but in the uk that wont be a problem.



Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Jan 8, 2009
Warrington, UK
decided to take the arms off an old US army shirt yesterday, used my x-acto knife to cut it cleanly and was busy dismanteling one of the arms (for pockets) with my blade when it happened.
i was taking a button off, but with the blade on top of the button to cut the thread, in slow motion i realised that i'd angled this directly towards my other hand, in that moment of realisation the sharp blade parted the cotton and it made its way point first into the tip of my left thumb...

ensue stuck finger dance...

thankfully i only have a very neat 3mm cut in the tip of my thumb, but i do believe the bone stopped the blade from going any further :stretcher:

on the plus side i have a nice vest with lots of pockets :D


Sep 24, 2007
I went out with elder daughter and dogs to a local wood with my Bushbuddy in my pack. Bannocks were made and sausages cooked without incident.

I was sitting on the ground with my back against a fallen tree. I had my legs stretched out ahead of me, apart, with the Bushbuddy between them. I put some water in a titanium mug for a brew. When it boiled I found the handles were hotter than I was happy to hold so put the mug bag on the stove. The trouble was that I fumbled that move and tipped the whole ensemble over, spilling the boiling water over my ankle.

I yanked my shoe off and ripped off the sock as fast as I could. All my remaining water was used to try to cool the area. After I had wrung out the sock and packed up I hobbled home. Over the next two weeks I needed regular attention from my next door neighbour, who is a nurse, to ensure that the gooey, pulpy mess that was the skin on my ankle didn't get infected.

I never use a stove in a position where boiling water could land on me now (I hope).


Jan 8, 2007
The Netherlands
Not really bushcrafty, but here goes :

15 yrs ago, was playing soccer with my brother on some part industrial area. Ball flew over a fence, you know, the one with the pointy waves on top. Not sharp but very sturdy (you can see where this is going).

Getting over the fence was no problem, found the ball and kicked it back. Getting back over the fence however was tricky. There was a big wooden railway log lying around. I placed it right up on to the fence and climbed up, it fit juuust nicely on two vertical bars . Halfway up, log slipped, and what do you do when you slip? You grab for something to hold onto......right into the fence. Got a nice 1"scar on my left hand for that :p

This one's from my girlfriend, at a music festival in Belgium 12 yrs ago. In between the tents a couple of Belgians have set up a party tent with closed sides, lit up by a gas lantern, and my GF, some friends and some Belgian guys are in the tent having a party. The evening goes on and beer and some green smoking stuff is used. Then suddenly, the light goes out. One of the slighlty intoxicated Belgian guys goes to fix it. My GF hears a strong hissing noise from the corner where said guy is trying to fix the light. She tries to find the exit, can't find it and huddles up in a corner, seeing where this is going...... when the repair-guy says "I can't see nothing without light" and another wee drunkish guy walks up and says "I'll help you" and whips out a lighter........SSSWOOOOOOOOSHHHHHHH! :yikes:

The tent tried to take off so to speak. :Wow: She got out unscaved.:rolleyes:



Jan 28, 2009
A couple of years ago I managed to get a nice cow horn with the intent on turning it into a Blowing horn.

I set up the workbench and clamped in the horn all ready to go. I had to use a long bit to drill into the chamber properly.

Before drilling I followed an imaginary line through the horn to make sure my hand wasn’t in the way if the drill bit should accidently come through the other side. With my hand in the right position I started to drill away. All was going well .Then I felt the bit hit into the chamber and it decided to follow the natural curve of the inside for a few inches upwards and right out the other side (you guessed it) and into my hand.

It took a few seconds to realise what just happened. So the bit was in the drill through a piece of horn and inside my hand. Somehow I managed to stay calm, I tried to pull it out but to no avail as it was a tangle of skin, fat and muscle. As that didn’t work I had to switch the drill into reverse and get it out that way.

So a trip to casualty with my hand that look like it had a weird quaver stuck to it resulted in having a bit of flesh cut of (The most painful part of the whole incident) and my hand being bandaged for 2 weeks.

Now I have never held a grudge against an inanimate object before but every time I looked at that bit of horn I felt I had a score to settle.

As a blowing horn it was now completely wrecked so I cut it down and inlayed the hole with an antler tine to make this stick handle.



Need to contact Admin...
Jun 27, 2008
Hmmm! Last year I needed to get out the car a bit sharpish and chase something. In my haste, wanting to shut the door as I left i forgot to remove left hand from the car before slamming it with my right hand. Had to re-open the door to get my hand out. I caught the thing I was chasing and finished a 10 hour shift at work before popping in to A&E on the way home to find I'd shattered and smashed the bones in the end of my hand. Won't do that again !!


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Sep 21, 2005
Yeas ago whilst helping swmbo at a scout camp a friend was washing up in the mess tent by gaslamp light........ somehow he managed to push the lamp so it touched the side!

the next part of the story I will remember in slow motion, laurel and hardy style......

swmbo notices flames from the other side of the site, shouts FIRE! and grabs the fire bucket next to her. meanwhile my mate extinguishes the flames with the washing up water feeling shaken but pleased with his reactions as..................

................... swmbo launches a bucketful of cold water through the 'new window' in the mess tent completely drenching my mate :lmao:

funny enough he hasn't been allowed to remember that one


Full Member
Sep 22, 2010
Hexham, Northumberland
I learned two lessons in one go a few years ago,

1, Dont use a felling axe to split kindling
2, Dont hold kindling that you are trying to split down

Took the end off my thumb and spent the rest of the day in A+E waiting to get seen.
Needless to say I now use something smaller to cut kindling with, and hold it steady with a a peice of stick rather than my hand...


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Aug 13, 2009
Drilling a cupboard door, and placing my thumb behind the door to hold it steady. Result one neat drill hole in thumb.

Sharpening a sickle carelessly and nearly taking my thumb off. Yep the same thumb, it's cursed.


Dec 10, 2009
trying to split a dirty great log with a husky hatchet just started my swing when my mate shouts me. i look up the axe wanders slightly off target and hits me in the shin. i look down and there's no split in my trousers so i think i'll be ok then i see a rapidly spreading dark stain. rush inside and glue the cut up managed to give myself an inch and a half scar the axe had split the skin right down to the muscle without splitting the fabric of my trousers (craghoppers kiwi).


Sep 27, 2007
Ruthin, North Wales
I tried to blow up Sleepy Weasel (of this parish) in Norway.

Lit the Primus Omnifuel stove in the snowhole for the first time on that trip. Had been using petrol in the UK, but had to use gas in Norway. Apparently there was some left in the pipes...

Cue high-pressure, atomised petrol being lit by a firesteel and (slightly) engulfing Sleepy Weasel.

He took it rather well i must say... and it smoothed out the top of the snowhole nicely!

Lesson: make sure all pipes are empty before travel!


Aug 7, 2010
Many years ago just after getting married i came home one day to show my (darling) wife my throbing thumb,
that i hit with my hammer earlier in the day . it was very swolen with a black and blue nail , so on showing her
she said give it here , i thought she was going to kiss it better but she bit it sending me through the roof !

I learned 2 valuable lessons that day , don`t tell her when i hurt myself and she has an evil streak a mile wide . lol

But that said we are still married after 15 years , luv you Jen .



Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Jan 18, 2009
Dark side of the Moon
the most stupid thing ever in the world was lissen to my mate when in high school.....

his dad was a game keeper so he managed to get some 12g shells and gave me some........all you need to do he said is hit the primer with a hamer and nail, just put the shell between your toes he said..........hhhmmmmmmmmm

having never used any weapon appart from an air rifle i had no idea what would happen, im very lucky the ground was very soft, the earth shot up into my face and left behind a great big hole beneath my feet..... my mate was not my mate for much longer after that. when i told him what i thought of him, and he did not like it, a tussel droke out and i droke his nose.........

i must say im not that way now and he did deserve it at the time.......
When I started my apprenticeship I was eager to start unwrapping all my new shiny tools. My mate was struggling with some of the packaging on his so I had a good laugh at him called him a stupid "insert a swear word" whilst I opened my shiny stanley knife first.................. I wasn't laughing for long as I plunged the stanley knife straight though a plastic wrapper and straight into my thumb until it struck bone! First day on site and my name in the accident book!! That was about 20 years ago and I still get reminded about every time we take on a new apprentice!


Sep 27, 2007
Ruthin, North Wales
Thought of another one:

When you have been working hard on a hot day and your shirt is drenched with sweat... never, ever sit down and lean back against an electric fence!
Decided to make myself a knife. Whilst cutting some wood to make the scales my saw slipped and came to a halt in my thumb. My wife was out at her mates and my kids were asleep upstairs so I had to call the wife to come home and take my to A&E. We had borrow my wifes mate to babysit the kids whilst I got sent from one hospital to another where they hummed and hawed about stitches and x-rays and finally decided to clean it up give me a tetanus and send me home! Back at home I inspected the saw and picked chunks of bone out of the teeth of the saw............ I now wear kevlar work gloves when using sharp objects........


British Red

M.A.B (Mad About Bushcraft)
Dec 30, 2005
I have a "thing" for thai sweet chilli sauce. I love it - as a dip, over meat, on chips etc.

So, I make my own, and dashed fine it is too.

My lady wife suffers from the rare medical condition "asbestos gob" so requested a more "robust" version.

Ever the obliging man, I prepared a mix of habanero, tabasco and Scotch bonnets.

At this point I was caught short and nipped to the loo. I would have (naturally) washed my hands afterwards, but neglected to wash them BEFORE.

I said "oh gosh deary me" (or something) -it really hurt - I was grabbing flannels, dowsing them with water, dropping my trousers, then not being able to remove them over my boots, hopping, hobbling, then realising I hadn't washed my hands so I had transferred the chilli juice to the flannel.

So I jumped back and wadded up loo roll.

Still hadn't washed my hands

Jumped back to sink and fell.

Caught sink in one hand and bath in the other, nearly wrenching sink from the wall

Righted myself, washed hands, dropped soap and couldn't see through the tears.

Knelt on floor to find soap.


Stood up and smashed head on underside of sink.

Shuffled back to loo

Grabbed clean loo paper

Ran loo paper under tap and beagin to scrub.

Tissue paper shredded (stained with chilli juice).

In desparation grabbed a hand towel and ran it under the tap. Soap is AWOL so grabbed shampoo and squirted generous measure on wet towel.

Ever noticed how similar conditioner is to shampoo? Its also greasy. Particulary when applied to your chilli covered, papier mache encrusted short hairs.

Naturally, whilst screaming in frustration. I then trod on the soap and fell over backwards, striking my head on the loo seat and engendering a fair sized cut.

Then my wife came into the bathroom to find me naked, supine, rubbing frantically at my greasy man parts with my blood covered head in the toilet.

I like to think of that as one of my finer moments


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.