The Covid19 Thread

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As to only listening to official advise that might hold in some countries but not in others, official advise in Sweden seems to be directed towards denying everything and spreading it as fast as possible. It does look like it is done for political/ideological reasons, it not being "equal" if some get it and some don't. Our political response in Finland seems to be better but too late from our redgreen lipstick government. In both countries some medical experts strongly disagree with the official response but not much it achieves.
Well yesterday I woke up with a bad allergy that triggered a wheezy asthma (officially undiagnosed) episode. I spent a drive to work coughing my guts up due to phlegm. Right now I've got a very sore airway right now. Salbutamol stops this cough by opening airways so I can cough up phlegm and phlegm is reduced with antihistamines.

The thing I am curious about is whether this allergic response counts as underlying conditions? My partner doesn't think so because it developed as an adult fairly recently. She had asthma badly as a kid a few times. So she believes that counts as underlying conditions.

My point being is that there's a lot on media about the outbreak, about the precautions to take but there's little about what could put you into a higher risk group. Has anyone seen a good list of what counts as underlying conditions?
You won't like this one little bit. My mum was a chronic asthma sufferer, she died from catching an opportunistic infection, developed into pneumonia and she did not have the lung capacity to survive. I would guess I am in the at risk category too, only ever had mild asthma and don't use an inhaler but I do apparantly have chronic ischaemic heart disease, so sommat narsty could trigger all sorts of unpleasant cardio vascular stuff, you know like dying :( Diabetes is said to be high risk too.
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its a shame that there seems to be a press frenzy over this, and they tend to be giving out as much mis-information as they are factual info, which is not what people want to hear really, we even have countries doing opposite things to try to beat this, some are closing schools and going into lock down, and others are carrying on as normal, It would be nice to have an official comprehensive list of who is at risk, as well as what precautions people need to take, to remain safe.
Natural selection. Charles Darwin wrote about it over 100 years ago in an Origin of Species.

Mother Natures way of keeping us firmly in her grasp. We'll get over it, sadly, some won't but most of us will.

Then we move on, until the next time. This, I'm sure, has been happening for millennia.
I've not read the whole thread so may have already been covered but.....self isolation seems to be a thing of late but when and for how long?

I've seen two weeks being mentioned a few times, others not giving a time limit. So when do folks start it and what is the "all clear" gonna be that they are presumably waiting for?

Any idea?
Don't panic! Just keep buying toilet rolls and pasta. I'm beginning to think everyone knows something I don't. Covid 19 must cause diarrhoea and pasta cures it right? Seriously there's almost no pasta in my 3 nearest supermarkets and there are no rolls of toilet paper at all. Everything else is stocked more or less. One might not have one thing but the others do. This means pasta and toilet rolls are the preppers obsession!
Self isolation will only work if you stay in isolation until it's all over, which could be a long time, imagine being in isolation for 2 months, you come out think it's safe meet people and wham you got it, the only cure for this at present is, to get it, and then get over it, I don't think they are actually certain that you can't catch it twice, as it is early days as yet, and they are still learning about it.
Just because you are in isolation for 2 weeks, doesn't mean you are safe.
I've not read the whole thread so may have already been covered but.....self isolation seems to be a thing of late but when and for how long?

I've seen two weeks being mentioned a few times, others not giving a time limit. So when do folks start it and what is the "all clear" gonna be that they are presumably waiting for?

Any idea?
Two weeks is supposed to be the incubation period so that would let you know you don’t have it. That said, coming back out into the world where others are might not be safe for quite a while longer.
Self isolation will only work if you stay in isolation until it's all over, which could be a long time, imagine being in isolation for 2 months, you come out think it's safe meet people and wham you got it, the only cure for this at present is, to get it, and then get over it, I don't think they are actually certain that you can't catch it twice, as it is early days as yet, and they are still learning about it.
Just because you are in isolation for 2 weeks, doesn't mean you are safe.
Seems like agood excuse for 2 months off work in a log cabin with a nice fire.
Two weeks is supposed to be the incubation period so that would let you know you don’t have it. That said, coming back out into the world where others are might not be safe for quite a while longer.

Ah yes folks over your side of the pond are being quarantined for two weeks when returning from foreign climes or something
That's where I'm seeing two weeks.

It's a peppers wet dream lol.
All the drama and back patting with little to no danger for most of us.

Wranglerstar has been milking it for every penny in his vids.
I happened to watch one last night and he said it's something to tell his grandkids....that time he self isolated for a bit and nothing happened lmao
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Aha, now it looks like some people in the UK might have a chance to practice isolation ...

I am not convinced, the practicalities are non trivial.
I'm seriously considering another strategy. On the basis that we are all, probably, likely to get it at some stage and at different levels, I think it would be best if I got it now whilst there is plenty of medicine (paracetamol) and hospital beds (just in case) rather than be one of many thousands with it in May.

Then, I'd be fully recovered and fit when the rest of my family get it so I could look after grandchildren etc.

Trouble is, I don't know where to get it from :)
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Well, wont anyone think about my situation?

A human beccoming a Tengu is easy, a Tengu beccoming a human is really hard.

(When I have a relapse and start becomming a squarky flapper you must understand all this).

Ive spent all this years trying to become a human and now am being activley encouraged into decidedly tengulike behavior...Im afraid this might put me back.

Wont anyone consider my spiritual situation??
I'm seriously considering another strategy. On the basis that we are all, probably, likely to get it at some stage and at different levels, I think it would be best if I got it now whilst there is plenty of medicine (paracetamol) and hospital beds (just in case) rather than be one of many thousands with it in May.

Then, I'd be fully recovered and fit when the rest of my family get it so I could look after grandchildren etc.

Trouble is, I don't know where to get it from :)

Wait, the cure is paracetamol?

That's the best medicine to counter coronavirus?
Ok I've got a couple of packs in the cupboard do your worst! Lmao
Standard flu medicine (Paracetamol or Codeine) is the best advice as far as I've been able to determine - painkillers (not NSAIDs), lots of fluids and rest. Doctor/hospital if body temperature rises above 39 (38 for children). We used to be told cool showers etc. to keep the temp down but now I believe it is thought that a reasonable rise in temperature helps the body's immune system.


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