Plasma? What’s the reasoning for that? I mean presumably any antibodies would be in whole blood wouldn’t they?
Thanks for the link sensible is definatly needed, every time I look at the stats i see both sides broken data
I'm not sure about a self reporting app as a reliable source of info - in the early days they were only testing people reporting 'symptoms' and found very few actual cases compiared to the number of tests - something like 10% medically administered tests at the time
but also having undertaken the self test its clear why the false negative rate is somwhere around 30% - its actually tricky to do and needs a reasonable amount stoicism to do sucessfully
looking forward to doing this weekly![]()
Lee, the link above doesn’t require any testing, or downloading of the app, it’s mainly a good source of data. The site was created by Kings College London and looks to be a good source of info without the paranoia of dropping the UK Gov app onto your phone or computer. I’m fed up with being fed false numbers, bullshit, and being treated like a moron.
There's a bit of guesswork going on with diagnosis, even with entries on death certificates. We didn't know anyone who had had it or died until two days ago when two people we see around told us about COVID deaths in their family. One had a serious medical condition and went in for his treatment only to die of related issues. His death certificate have COVID 19 as cause of death despite him not having any symptoms. I've heard reports of similar too easy causes of deaths being used like that. Saves actually trying to find the cause of you simply put COVID 19 down perhaps. That's even before the people who actually did get it but didn't have any symptoms at all. Without 100% testing of patients before getting it put on the death certificate you'll never know for sure.
And I've now had my letter. I've had it and have a good amount of antibodies.
Which is better, over recording or under recording? It's not important for actual containment because they'll sterilise every room between patients no matter what caused the death. It's only important for statistics and decisions made using those statistics.