This is one of the few times when having a community spirit will be the last thing you want, as the less people you come into contact with the better you will probably feel, and one can only hope that the vulnerable ones in our society don't suffer because of this.
“Community spirit” doesn’t have to mean a knees up down the old rub a dub singing along to Vera Lynn songs, it can take many forms and can involve less direct contact between people which right now is a good thing.
I am lucky to live in a very rural community and most of my neighbours are elderly and/or currently undergoing their annual self-isolation with long vigils in the lambing sheds - unless I make an effort, I can easily go a week without seeing anyone other than Mrs Nomad or the postie.
We about to head into town for hopefully the last time in a while and Mrs Nomad has a shopping list for stuff for three seventy somethings, two eighty somethings and one ninety something and other stuff for them and us will be (fingers crossed), arriving this afternoon via supermarket delivery van. No real hardship for us (and a few credits in the informal barter economy), but a bit of community spirit means that half a dozen people in the high vulnerability group will be avoiding contact with dozens of other people.
In urban areas, similar errand running could result in vulnerable people (particularly those reliant on public transport) avoiding unnecessary contact with hundreds, possibly thousands of people or trolleys, bus/train furniture etc where their sweaty hands have been.
I’m not smart enough to try to second guess the advice being given by epidemiologists and medics and am happy to follow where possible, the self-isolation and social distancing guidance. Right now, IMHO “community spirit” means doing what you can to achieve that by ensuring that every shopping trip etc. by people with no symptoms, benefits the maximum number of people and/or helping those who need it set up and manage online shopping etc.
Over the coming weeks and months, community spirit is going to mean phone calls, FaceTime, Skype conversations and other social media contact with people who will be feel isolated and vulnerable and where necessary doing what you can to help them while minimising risks to all concerned.
Whether or not Covid 19 claims more lives than Spanish Flu did a century ago remains to be seen but unprecedented access to communication and entertainment n the internet age is going to make keeping busy, entertained and sane a lot easier.
As they say previous generations sat in tin air raid shelters eating meagre rations, cr@pping in a bucket and using scraps of newspaper (or worse Izal!) to wipe with, while bombs rained down on British cities (and my grandparents house in the middle of Cornwall!), and waiting desperately for letters from or news of loved ones on active service. In 2020, we are being asked to wash our hands, sit at home, watch TV and we are free to bicker on the internet about how many triple layered, aloe vera infused, luxury quilted toilet rolls it is acceptable to have stockpiled!