The Blue Planet

falling rain

Oct 17, 2003
Woodbury Devon
I bought 'The Blue Planet' on DVD the other day. I missed this when it was on TV and am over the moon that I bought it. It is simply fantastic. The filming is nothing short of spectacular. There are scenes of allsorts of wonderful creatures, fish, from below the oceans of the world and some wonderful shots of mammals on land with a connection with the sea, like osprey, brown bears, turtles, polar bears, otter etc, etc. The BBC are highly renowned for their wildlife filming and this is the best. If you havn't seen this and love the sea/animals/nature and need some great entertainment you could do no better than this. Very highly recommended.


Apr 25, 2006
Sussex, England
The kids and I sat and watched this the other week when they reshowed it on uk documentary. It is very very good. I'm personally looking forward to Planet Earth to come out on DVD that was probably the best natural history series I've ever seen.


falling rain

Oct 17, 2003
Woodbury Devon
I didn't see Planet Earth either pibbleb, but if it's anything like The Blue Planet I'll be getting myself that for my christmas stocking. In the extras of 'Blue planet', there's a documentry called 'Deep Trouble' about the declining fish stocks from serious over fishing and illegal methods of catching aquarium fish such as using cyanide and all the damage to the reefs and underwater environment this causes. Every year 30 million (yes 30 MILLION :eek: ) metric tonnes of non target species fish, are thrown back overboard dead or dying.............. Very, very worrying. :( If it continues for even a short time longer there'll simply be no more fish to catch.


Apr 25, 2006
Sussex, England
That's very sad, I find the whole way in which we treat our planet a worry, but these shows area very stong visual aid when it comes to showing the next genration what they could be missing out on.


falling rain

Oct 17, 2003
Woodbury Devon
pibbleb said:
That's very sad, I find the whole way in which we treat our planet a worry, but these shows area very stong visual aid when it comes to showing the next genration what they could be missing out on.

I agree. It's just as worrying on the land as in the sea. I won't get into the whole 'not enough is being done' debate. One idea is to have total exclusion on fishing zones at key points around the oceans where known breeding areas are. although that won't solve the problem it well help towards it. At the moment there is a third of 1 percent of our oceans that are total no fishing zones. More and more mouths to feed, more and more effective fishing methods (but not more efficient) more demand, more fish needed etc etc..... Hopefully those who decide won't leave it until it's too late.


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