Tentipi Sarfir 9 questions

May 2, 2011
Hi guys,
Was just searching for information on the sarfir tentipi sarfir 9 and this sites seems to have a lot of info on the tentipi ao i have a few questions.

I have had my tentipi sarfir 9 for a year now and have just started using it this season and i have a few questions.

1) when i shut the zip(main door) where the material changes from the flysheet(beige) to the Green valence there is always a tight spot in the zip? is this poor pitching or normal? This is not so tight you cannot close it but you do feel it but once past that point it closes fine. The zip is perfect and no material is caught it is just a tight spot at the seam.

2) One of the rings for pegging has snapped, what do you guys replace these with as i do see that this is quite common, i was thinking of a carabiner which would be field replaceable.

3) The top vent, the ropes used to adjust the vent, one of them is crossed over and is starting to fray, how easy is it to replace these ropes?

4) I always peg out using the template but always have to move the pegs, is this right?

Fantastic tent with what i would class as minor problems.

Thanks guys for any help.


Full Member
Sep 28, 2004
I have a Tentipi Kvarts 7, which is similar if simpler. But I'll tell you my experience.

1. Tension on the zip. I sometimes find this too. Generally it comes down to the separation of the pegs at the door. Move them closer. But see point 4 - the template.

2. A carabiner sounds like a good idea to me, if a bit heavy. Another idea might be a keyring-type split ring.

3. Dunno, sorry.

4. I find there's a lot of stretch in the cord supplied for laying out the pegs, so a lot of potential variation. I experimented in getting the right pitch, and then made my own template using less stretchy cord. Now I get a much more consistent pitch. There's still a little peg moving, but it's only a tiny amount. There's only so accurate the template system can be.
May 2, 2011
Hi Nohoval_Turrets,

Will give that a go, i have got the tight spot down to just a very small extra resistance and a good tent shape but will experiment. Never thought of the keyring idea that sounds ideal and easily replaceable.

Do you have any resistance when its pitched correctly?


Need to contact Admin...
Jun 25, 2005
West Yorkshire
I have the zircon 7 which is basically the same I think and I haven't had a problem with the area near the zip. Are you pitching the tent with the door zipped up and the peg loops fully loosened? I think it is quite normal to have to move the pegs a bit but it is possible to get it right first time with practise.

I peg it out loose then after putting up the pole I tighten in a star pattern, like tunning a drum, rather than in a circle.

There is definately a knack to pitching these tents properly.


Full Member
Apr 28, 2008
Somerset, UK.
I have the zircon 7 which is basically the same I think and I haven't had a problem with the area near the zip. Are you pitching the tent with the door zipped up and the peg loops fully loosened? I think it is quite normal to have to move the pegs a bit but it is possible to get it right first time with practise.

I peg it out loose then after putting up the pole I tighten in a star pattern, like tunning a drum, rather than in a circle.

There is definately a knack to pitching these tents properly.

Where do you start when tightening the peg loops?

I have this same problem zipping the door up.

I start with all the loops at their loosest, then tighten them all by a third, so there is stil no real tension.

Then I tension the two either side of the door, then the two at the back of the tent, then I tighten the one to the left of the door, and then the loop opposite this one, then the one to the right of the two at the rear, and then the one opposite this one. If that makes sense.

I have tried different approaches, but all end up with problems zipping up the door. This seems to be the least worst way of doing it.

It's a Safir 9



Need to contact Admin...
Jun 25, 2005
West Yorkshire
Hmmm. I don't start anywere in particular. I wonder if it is a difference between the 7 and the 9? These tents have so many idiosyncrasies they could do with their own forum!


Full Member
Apr 28, 2008
Somerset, UK.
Hmmm. I don't start anywere in particular. I wonder if it is a difference between the 7 and the 9? These tents have so many idiosyncrasies they could do with their own forum!

Yep a forum just for tipi type tents would be useful. There seem to be a fair few people who have them.



Aug 5, 2008
Hertford, Hertfordshire
I often find I have the tight-spot in the door too. I usually fix this by adjusting the tension in the straps either side of the door. Next time I pitch I'll give the Myotis method a try rather than just working around in a circle. I have wondered about sewing some webbing onto the doors along the join between the fly and valance and fitting a snap buckle so as to be able to adjust the tension here from the middle, but I've never gotten around to it. Has the newer model got a different door design? Mine is a few years old. . .


Aug 5, 2008
Hertford, Hertfordshire
I just had another thought about the template-issue: the 'problem' is in the stretch of the measuring cord. A non-stretch version is the way to go. Some good paracord or even webbing could do a better job if you want a cord. What did you use Nohoval_Turrets? I think I remember that the cord length is supposed to be the same as the pole? Maybe try and use the pole itself?


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