Any chance of putting up something of a basic 'how-to' for the interested but uninformed, please?
Shake thecritters out, but what about all that free protien
Ask me how I know
"Star Trek; The Next Generation", via Jean-Luc Picard, created an entire race of Earl Grey drinkers here in the Colonies. I'll drink Earl Grey before I'll drink plain water, but coffee and Lapsang souchong are my preferred hot drinks. Of course, last June in Edinburgh I became a regular at the whisky bars; every morning, 10AM, one drink only, something single-malt I can't get here. But, back to the teas; on another forum, (, there is a thread going about pine needle teas, spruce teas, and such like. Maybe tomorrow, when I'm out snowshoeing and stop for my boil-up, I'll make a pot of Black Spruce tea and see what all the fuss is about. These wild tea drinkers may be fledging a convert?