Swedish preparedness pamphlet


Mar 1, 2009
northern ireland
Quite unrelated but my son and I were out in the forest last year and a large dead branch fell to the ground and as it landed a squirrel ran off of it. It had broken the branch and landed with it as it fell, then hit the ground at the same time and ran off as it did so.
I’m sure there is a prepping lesson in there is one looks hard enough.
Just remembered it then and wanted to keep the thread on topic… ;)
You didn't hug the tree tightly enough. LOL.!


Full Member
Mar 25, 2017
The idea is that if most people can manage on their own for about 3 days, then that frees up the emergency services etc to deal with whatever crisis is happening and to help those who are in most need of care.

When the idea of having a box of stuff in a wardrobe even if you live in a flat was first launched, a lot of my friends actually realised that they didn’t have enough to manage for 3 days and that they’d never thought about how to deal with that. A lot of them now do have a box of stuff, or at least a few more tins in the cupboards and means of heating food even with the electricity off. For a lot of people, the main headache is how to deal with loss of heating in a country where it regularly gets well below zero during the winter months.

The rest of my friends are like me and have far too much outdoorsy gear already. :D

Gas stoves and gas bottles are probably easier, but I think most people automatically think “Trangia” when they get told to get some means of heating food and water during a powercut.
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May 8, 2008
We have invested in a nuclear deterrant that clearly does not deter anything.
Plenty would argue if it wasn't for the nuclear deterrent much of Europe would be talking Russian by now. What it doesn't cater for is someone who's in all likelihood rather ill and wants to leave a legacy behind when they're gone. A small tactical nuclear exchange in Europe in the next ten years does seem more likely these days, one hopes if it gets that far people come to their senses before everything is wiped out.

On a more important note, it's good to see rusks on the list of stores, I've always liked rusks.
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Nov 6, 2008
I dont care about prepping or nuclear war anymore. How do you get different faces like this one? :)

When you go to post something - look at the header bar - on the right you should see Three dots in vertical alignment. Click that - that will open the menu below - then click on the smiley face to have a whole new world open to your digital empire.


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Jul 18, 2004
Each Police force area has a Local Resilience Forum (Local Resilience Partnerships in Scotland) as part of the Civil Contingencies Act 2004 many/most of them will have a website or some web based information and if I remember correctly the government sent out information to every household in the UK a few years ago with some of the above information included in it.


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