Survival Gear That's Just Crazy Enough to Work

Nov 29, 2004
Article in 'Wired' magazine compiles the most promising and innovative solutions to common survival problems.

Some look plain silly, however the 'SUSTAINABLE WATER SHELTER' and 'THE HYDRA COLLAPSIBLE MICRO WIND TURBINE SYSTEM' look quite cool and I particularly like the 'BEDU EMERGENCY RAPID REPONSE KIT'

"The Bedu Emergency Rapid Response Kit is a keg-sized drum full of durable life-saving gear. It's built to support eight adults for up to five years and it includes a water-filtration system, medicine and tool kits, a multi-fuel stove, a radio and a hand-crank generator with a photovoltaic battery pack and a strip-cell blanket. Not only that, but the skeleton of the barrel can be used to create a shelter."

Which sounds great, but what are the chances of your average bloke in the street being able to put it together if his city gets flooded or blown away?



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