Suggestions for a nine year old


May 5, 2005
It's my sister-in-laws birthday next week. I want to get her something to stimulate her interest in nature and the living planet - can anyone suggest a suitable book/dvd/gift that would suit her. She is only nine (9) years old.



Sep 5, 2005
the man who planted trees
a beautiful animated tale great for kiddies and adults alike

Heralded as "a masterpiece of animated art," this timeless film tells the inspirational story of a solitary shepherd who patiently plants and nurtures a forest of thousands of trees, single-handedly transforming his arid surroundings into a thriving oasis.

Undeterred by two World Wars, and without any thought of personal reward, the shepherd tirelessly sows his seeds and acorns with the greatest care. As if by magic, a landscape that seemed condemned grows green again. A film of great beauty and hope, this story is a remarkable parable for all ages and an inspiring testament to the power of one person.


Nov 29, 2004
Watership Down? I read it and loved it at about 9, but I know some of my friends read it at 14 and didn't understand it at all. Also as it's a big thick book it'd only be suitable if she's a bookworm already...
Anyway, it's a story about some rabbits who have to leave their warren and it follows them as they trek across country (meeting foxes and traps) trying to find a new home.

I also remember reading a bok called "Fox's Feud" and the accompanying series, but given that it involves a fox being friends with rabbits and moles and toads it is a tad unrealistic...

Or you could try "Swallows and Amazons", not actually about nature, but it is about a group of kids camping in a wood on an island in a lake. In homemade tents. Again, big thick book warning.

I also remember being fascinated by books of weird aand exotic animals. I had a book with all sorts of animals in, birds of paradise, how bird's nest soup was made, tiny 3-inch octopii with fatal poison, lionfish, sting rays, angler fish, platypii, giant butterflies and moths, giant centipedes and millipedes, and why harmless animals look like dangerous animals (like coral snakes and that other snake), watersnakes, flying squirrels, aye-ayes, ostrich eggs being so strong you can stand on them, and some small rodent so strong you can stand on it and it would be fine. And shrews that have to eat all the time just to stay alive. Just go into bookshops and flick through a few books.
I also remember having a book with easily identified trees, plants, seeds, animals tracks and flowers.

Oh, or you could get her a flower press, or a book that includes how to press flowers, and ideas of what to do with them afterwards. (ie notepaper, brooches, hair clips, own flower identification book)

A bird-feeder? I got one for Christmas at about 10, and me and Dad put it up right outside one of the lounge windows. After a while we got loads of birds coming to it. :D Sqirrels couldn't get to it either, because they couldn't climb the wall. :D

Can't think of any more right now.


Sep 6, 2005
South Northants
One book that I can wholeheartedly recommend would be The Family Naturalist by Micheal Chinery

I was given a copy of this book as a birthday present by my sisters boyfriend when I was about your sis-in-laws age and I loved it. It has sections on woodland, shore, heath etc etc as well as loads of little "projects" to make and do such as ant farms, disecting owl pellets and the like. It kept me busy for ages and still has a place on my bookshelf to this day.

pierre girard

Need to contact Admin...
Dec 28, 2005
Hunter Lake, MN USA
My kids enjoyed the Mishomish (grandfather) book by Edward Benton-Banai, when they were about that age.

At about the same age, I discovered Tolkien's trilogy, but only one of my kids liked it.



May 5, 2005
Thanks for the suggestions all. Given the birthday is close I've gone for Hatchet - and its just turned up. Now to see if I can read it myself quickly without bending the spine :rolleyes:


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