Suffolk Bushcraft Group


Jul 28, 2011
Suffolk, UK
Hey guys - Just appearing out of the leaf litter here after some other adventures and catching up with this thread.

Can you tell me if you are planning to head out in the winter, I have a hammock underquilt that needs a first trip.

Any news on the farms or the Newbourne camp site?

Big Stu 12

Bushcrafter through and through
Jan 7, 2012
Hey good to hear from you, no news on the Newbourne camp site as of yet, I have not had time to.

I Know that Tony and Paul want to get out soon, so do I, The next weekend I am free is 3rd/4th Oct, so thinking about it then, not sure of Friday and Saturday night, prob just for one night. we will be trying to get out at least one night per month.

I know that there are a couple of us looking for permissions in the area, but they are hard to come by, so for now until then its as we been going so far,

Big Stu 12

Bushcrafter through and through
Jan 7, 2012
Well, I got Nov the 16th off, so who fancys a night out may be two...

Dont know were yet, but if you want to book the date, may be a new place, may be Newbourne, to give it a go...


Full Member
Mar 15, 2009
Hi all,
Seems like the same reply from the farmer...
What if we have a rave,bring 24 caravans and never leave,what if we shoot,steal,destory all his wildgame. What if we cut down all his trees and set fire to the rest of his land, what if, what if what if...... He is foing ro think about it and will let me know.

Big Stu 12

Bushcrafter through and through
Jan 7, 2012
Hi all,
Seems like the same reply from the farmer...
What if we have a rave,bring 24 caravans and never leave,what if we shoot,steal,destory all his wildgame. What if we cut down all his trees and set fire to the rest of his land, what if, what if what if...... He is foing ro think about it and will let me know.

Seems to be a common thread...

I am at the moment having talks with a farmer as well, I have asked if I can do weekend camp is possible, invite them for tea, see what we get up to, even do a stew in a Dutch oven, , bake some bannock, in other words invite them into our hobby, its always good to socialise.

I have been for a walk around the woods and just chatting about what we are into, some of the benefits that we may able to bring, and some of the ideas I have, and things that i want to do to enhance the permission, of cause with permission to do them, Perhaps clearing and planting a tree from time to time were things have died back, the woods i have been looking at have not been managed for decades, it may show that you interested in his future as well..
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Full Member
Mar 15, 2009
Hi, yes went down that road also, saying that we where more likely to stop poachers and raves happening than start them. I think it is jusy a waiting game really.... He seemed happy to chat about his woodland but it seemed he wants it to be HIS woodland.


May 27, 2011
I think it always works well to remember the other person's point of view, it's his land and he doesn't know you from Adam so his being cautious is right on the money from where's he's standing.

Remembering that means you don't make the mistake of justifying your request or justifying that you are a different person from the one he fears you might be so it all flows much easier and they get to see who you are.
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Big Stu 12

Bushcrafter through and through
Jan 7, 2012
I think it always works well to remember the other person's point of view, it's his land and he doesn't know you from Adam so his being cautious is right on the money from where's he's standing.

Remembering that means you don't make the mistake of justifying your request or justifying that you are a different person from the one he fears you might be so it all flows much easier and they get to see who you are

I agree with you Swallow, its best to take the other persons fears in to consideration, and hopefully, when the time comes, the landowner will welcome us with open arms.

I must admit if it was my Woodland, and I did not know the person requesting the permission, I would think very carefully as well.
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Big Stu 12

Bushcrafter through and through
Jan 7, 2012
Wish i could Paul, but as we are out next weekend I cant... seeing the kids on sat and hopefully meeting Chris Sunday, should hear from him tonight, that may well be the day we do meet with him.

I am also going to try to get to Newbourne on sunday, just incase the other place does not come through,

I am off next Friday as it would be a good 2 nighter whos still interested?
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Big Stu 12

Bushcrafter through and through
Jan 7, 2012
Big Stu do you still want to borrow my chronoscope?

Hi mate, yeah I will do, if you dont mind, things been a bit busy what with, kids, mum in hospital - Dad not able to drive any more, trying to find a new job, girlfriend moaning that I have not spent enough time with her over the last couple of months, and on top of that hopfully finalising my to see the lawer again Monday, also been working on an other project could be an intersting one for me.

Sorry mate about not giving you a call, the world has just sort of over taken me.


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.