Suffolk Bushcraft Group Daniel Boone Challenge 23rd May to 26th May 2014

  • Hey Guest, Early bird pricing on the Summer Moot (21st July - 2nd August) available until March 31st, we'd love you to come. PLEASE CLICK HERE to early bird price and get more information.
Hi stu,

as you are aware, we plan to do similar about the same time, but added to your kit criteria, you have to make your own rucksack to carry your gear in/on.

good luck and enjoy
Hi stu,

as you are aware, we plan to do similar about the same time, but added to your kit criteria, you have to make your own rucksack to carry your gear in/on.

good luck and enjoy

Yeah a Rucksack is interesting, I was going to amke one, but on research found that most abandoned the rucksack way as it was combersome , and uncomfortable to carry, most went for a bed/blanket type rol thing for ease of kit sheading in emergencys...
That pack looks good Sam, but I am still not sure about Rucksacky thing.. as Above most put their kit on in layers for ease of dumping it if they needed to.. and just slung it across the body over one shoulder
Must admit I did not read the thread taht well as run out of time at tea break will read it better tonight, but very intersting :)..

Historical accuracy... I am not taht bad , but like to get as close as poss :)..
Had a walk up to the wood for teh 2nd nigth of the Challenge and its looking good :), green is poping out all over the place, was a grand day for a walk as well :)
yeah is one of those Union Canteens from that Civil war Cuttlers, saw it on ebay :)..

I will prob still use the biota as well, keep on meaning to cover it in leather tho. :)
yeah, this four nighter will bring a new dynamic of more then two nights and two days of food and stuff like candles.. as well, should be interesting.... no doubt we will learn some more :)
Now added the oppertunity to take part but not do the complete Four nights but will be a Minimuim of two nights, PM me for details and include the night you would like to do and we will see if we can plan it in :)


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.