Suffolk Bushcraft Group Daniel Boone Challenge 23rd May to 26th May 2014

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I am going to keep the nights in the same woods mate, I dont want to have people just camping where they want if you know what I mean.....
Anyone else up for the Boone challenge?

List of Attending –
1. Big Stu
2. Chris
3. Colin.

I'm pretty much sorted kit wise, just have to think about the food and water. I'm looking forward to this one.
This challenge is very interesting… hmmmm… can't bring a book to read or whisky to sip? My sense is that both are historically accurate.

The challenge is designed to make you think about other ways of camping and look into the vintage ways, being totally historically correct is not a requirement as long as you enter into the spirit of it and have a go at some of the ways.. ie the bedding and lighting ect,

For example you may only have a nylon tarp and not a canvas one but it a tarp..., the idea is to learn as much as you can with the experience, and I can only say I know the six that did the last one did learn a lot and had a great time...
Now added the oppertunity to take part but not do the complete Four nights but will be a Minimuim of two nights, PM me for details and include the night you would like to do and we will see if we can plan it in :)

This is interesting. I certainly can't confirm anything. I'll have a chat with you at the next meet and work out if I think I can do it. I'll have to book the time off work. Then the last challenge... Getting permission from the other half!
I really want to try it though.

Where can I buy wool blankets?
keep your eye open in Charity shops.. some good buys can be had.. or ebay..ask the relatives some may be lurking in old cupboards..

I use wool blankets all year round, and as the weather warms up I use my bed roll or just blankets brings a nice way to sleep :)
Army surplus stores online are probably the best bet, I have been in most charity shops in ipswich and stowmarket looking for them and in the last year got 1, a baby blue double, did get a little lucky when the old boy next door moved out and got a cream single and a queen size hudson bay copy:)
The challenge is designed to make you think about other ways of camping and look into the vintage ways, being totally historically correct is not a requirement as long as you enter into the spirit of it and have a go at some of the ways.. ie the bedding and lighting ect,

For example you may only have a nylon tarp and not a canvas one but it a tarp..., the idea is to learn as much as you can with the experience, and I can only say I know the six that did the last one did learn a lot and had a great time...

I can dig it. I've been eager to try primitive camping and like the idea of testing it under conditions that are somewhat managed. So we'll go in small groups or pairs?
The size of the group will depend on how many show up, and also how many of the long term Group regulars do it, as I have to have trusted leaders to each group...

Last year it was decided on the day :)
Wool blankets aren't a necessity. If you have them fine, but there is no need to buy any kit for the challenge, the trick is to go as basic as you feel you can. Ordinary blankets will do, or just a sleeping bag. Have a look at our last challenge here.

In that case. I have a 6x8foot thick cotton blanket. If I can use that and sleep on a regular ground sheet and my sheepskin then I'll be golden.

I'm pretty much talking myself into it. And I'm dying to have a go. I'll book the time off work and then try to convince the misses. I'll have to redecorate the lounge to earn enough wife points I expect.
Go for it bud... it will be a great experience..

I am going to start my prep for it soon looking on the carrying and storage of food stuffs for the Three nights, ie fresh meat for the first, slated pork for the second, and dried meet for the third, that sort of thing, also looking int some of the old recipes that were used..

And for the Group meal on the fourth night an old recipe meal from the times of Pioneers :)..

and looking at maybe getting some more kit together.. :)

And of course after doing the Suffolk Boonie Challenge you can display the signature logo :),


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.