

M.A.B (Mad About Bushcraft)
Jan 15, 2011
I was late this year. The strawberries have been ripe for a couple of weeks already but I just got round to picking some this afternoon. After lunch I decided to explore the northern limits of Blackwater River State Forrest. I investigated the canoe put in point at the upper end of the navigable portion of the river and around Hurricane Lake before starting home. I decided to stop at the U-Pick Your Own strawberry farm on the way home and in about 15 minutes had a carton full. When I got home and cleaned them I had 6 quarts ready for the freezer; for now! I plan on putting a few more away before the season ends in a couple more weeks.

They also have a concession booth at the farm that serves sugared strawberries and home-made ice cream (strawberry of course) in various dishes. I had a strawberry sundae (couldn't resist it)

Anybody else like strawberries? Where do you get yours?


Dec 25, 2009
newcastle upon tyne
i love them too mate ! ive got a couple of greenhouses in the back garden and allways find a space for 20 or so plants.
every couple of years i renew the plants for free by taking runner cuttings off them ! this year im also growing raspberrys,blackberrys,red currents,black currents and blueberrys,lol, i know it sounds a lot but the garden is pretty small.

cheers Andrew.

John Fenna

Lifetime Member & Maker
Oct 7, 2006
Wild strawberries are a weed in our garden - and very common in our hedges in the area - my wife has to dig up new plants every time she does the weeding or we would be over run by them.
We do keep enough to get a decent harvest to go with icecream, in jams (mixed with our raspberries Mmmmm), and just picked and eaten :)
Tiny little fruits that punch more flavour than they should - Mmmmm.
PITA to pick though!


Full Member
Mar 12, 2011
I will go to collect both wild and domesticated strawberries when they are ripe.... in July that is... My usual catch is around a couple of hundred of liters per year.


M.A.B (Mad About Bushcraft)
Jan 15, 2011
I will go to collect both wild and domesticated strawberries when they are ripe.... in July that is... My usual catch is around a couple of hundred of liters per year.

They have been ripe here since the 2nd weel in March. Farther South in Florida they are already gone; Farther north they will be a few weeks yet before they are ripe. It's interesting to track the season moving North by watching which direction the trucks are taking the fruits; especially berries and melons.


Full Member
Mar 12, 2011
Ah - a little larger than mine then......

I must say that most of the strawberries I collect are cultivated. It is fairly common in Finland that people go to a field near them and collect a bucketful of strawberries. The bucket is then weighted and priced. The price of strawberries varies yearly but is usually around 4€ per kilogram if you have picked them yourself (there is also a custom in Finland that allows people to eat as much strawberries they want for free during the time they are in the field picking strawberries).

Other berries I collect are bilberries, lingonberries and cloudberries. The latter ones are however quite rare here in Southern Finland so I have to collect them in Lapland whenever I travel there in late summer.


M.A.B (Mad About Bushcraft)
Jan 15, 2011
I must say that most of the strawberries I collect are cultivated. It is fairly common in Finland that people go to a field near them and collect a bucketful of strawberries. The bucket is then weighted and priced...

That's the way the farm operates where I picked mine yesterday. They furnish lightweight, flat cardboard trays called "flats" for you to collect them. They also have blueberry fields but they're not ripe yet. Also not nearly as large an operation as the one you describe.


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.