O'bother I was hoping to do a group buy for these. Well done swright81076 beat me to it. Yes I have an F1 a fantastic bit of kit.
So , to be clear , is the Ti version so called just because of the colour?
I'm guessing it's the anodising which makes it look like Titanium.
I am getting tempted to get one for use as a canoe brew setup.
Cheers ,
Struggling to justify a purchase.... I wonder if it would fit over the hot-plate hole on my frontier stove....???
Don't, please! I have stuff I HAVE to buy plus an MOT due this month and road tax next month....
Here's where we're at..
Johnnyboy1971- Storm F1 x1. £32.
welchyd1 - Storm F1 x1 £32
Ed_Edwards - Storm F1 £32
beachlover - Storm F1 titanium x1 @ £32
touched by nature
would someone be so kind as to give me a nudge before this closes?
Johnnyboy1971- Storm F1 x1. £32.
welchyd1 - Storm F1 x1 £32
Ed_Edwards - Storm F1 £32
beachlover - Storm F1 titanium coloured HA x1 @ £41
Wattsy - Storm F3 £38
Tagnut69 - Storm F1 x1 £32
Hypnagog - Storm F1 x1 £32
Tyla - Storm F1 £32
Put me down for one too please