Riiiiiight, so I take it your particular bubble escaped the worst of the weather so you feel that the other areas of the country where there was severe risk to life didn't matter?If I was in charge I would forbid the naming of storms and stop all the media fear mongering that goes with them. Its a nonsense. We have always had this weather and it only in the last twenty years that everyone is sxxx soft.
I guess its not an issue unless it actually happens to you eh?
All those gable ends of houses downed where they could have easily killed someone could have been saved if only someone just put on a thicker jumper?
I can assure you the winds where I was were actually dangerous, o e of the leasure centres locally had a temporary roof and that thing was abbolutely flapping about. It was constructed from a LOT of scaffold and that would have definitely stung if it hit you on the back of the lug.
There being less people on the roads and about generally will have saved lives