Storm Éowyn

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Thanks. That’s useful.

Edited to add:

I suspect that I’ll have to buy something in a after a week or so as the little crown comes closer.

Don’t mind a small one-off but won’t pay a subscription.
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That school roof that blew off is a classic example of bad building design and construction. All the joists should have been strapped to the walls and the angled eaves design whimsy is ideally angled and sized to catch the wind. That would'nt last in the south, and is pure stupidity in the north. It is also easily forseeable if you take a simple risk assessment view of the building - fire, flood, wind, rain, and subsidence - all common factors in many place in the midlands and north, and often the south. (Bit like picking a camping spot!)

As far as I know, strapping down roof joists is now specified as part of Building Regs, so the designer, the Building Inspector, the structural design engineer, site engineer and the contractor and subbies are all equally guilty.

As an ex-site QS I used to refuse to pay the subbies if they hadn't done the work right, and put in a claim for extra works to the client if the design was at fault. Now I'm a specialist installer the same thing applies for my own work and I'm fine with that. I can sleep with a clear conscience and no concerns.
To all of you getting hit by this monster, may you stay safe.
If you like, and can, please give some report of how it develops.
It was pretty intense here (I am told). I was in a bell tent and slept right through it. I didnt need to be told about the damage to peoples property though. I saw that. The worst that happened to me was no phone or internet for 36 hours and best is the amount of wood lying everywhere. Man and van and bow saw next. x
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Now we're on to storm Storm Herminia, gusts of 65+ mph predicted for tomorrow.

Seems to he more storms this winter than previous ones.
Lots of rain, and a very windy morning, not too bad, though ive now lost my wheelie bin. No idea where it is. Took a paddle into town for milk, unblocking drains coverd with leaves and mud as I went.
Afternoon was OK and the wind, and rain dropped off significantly, but I can hear the wind picking up, and it's raining hard again. I'm not going to bother worrying about the weather forcast. Just stay hunkered down and wait for it to stop. Luckily power has stayed on, bar a 10 second blip earlier this morning .
I'm using the time to have a bit of a clear out and hunt out and destroy a few cobwebs, basically, started a mini spring clean.
Éowyn seems not to have hit France, but Herminia rushed through on her way somewhere else.

Neighbour's recycling bin must have been less than half full because it was on its side having spilled its guts onto his drive. Our two were still upright.

Train service is a bit disrupted: catenary lines broken by a falling tree at Achères so I'll be at work about three quarters of an hour later than usual.
Is it all over yet? Blue skies and sunshine at the moment.
Found half my wheelie bin at the other end of the cul de sac. It's lost its lid, strangely contents are still inside. Mind, there wasn't much in it anyway. Will look for the lid later. It has to be somewhere.
A lot of somerset is flooded, though not too bad here, mostly giant surface puddles that soon drain away. River could rise, as the moors drain through the valley, but I think we will be OK here. If we were going to flood, it would have happened by now.
power cut in the early hours, but I was asleep and would never have known except for my bedside clock flashing when I woke up, which happens when we have a power outage.
Luckily, seem to have weathered this with minimal effect. I hope everyone is OK and not suffered any big disasters.
It feels strange to read reports of building damage and massive flooding elsewhere. I've been so lucky.
I'm pleased to hear you got through it with minimal damage :)

Son2 is working from home today; the trains are still not running. Lot of trees on lines and overhead cables very compromised.
Son1 lives in Glasgow and he said that even the cross city trains aren't running properly.

We need to replace the canopy, but other than that we seem to have gotten off lightly. Next door needs half of the back of his roof re-done though, and a new fence.

My garden is full of branches from the trees alongside the gable fence line. Thankfully they weren't in leaf so it's been lighter damage that it might have been in even a month's time.
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I think that BBC weather has someone who looks out of the window!
For the last week we were predicted 6 hours of 40mph wind today. This morning someone must have noticed that it’s not happening and reduced it to one hour at 40+ with less than 20mph both sides (Unlikely?). We have had bright sunshine and absolute calm all morning.
I’m pretty sure someone will look outside and change it again.

Of course, writing this might have jinxed it and we’ll get a hooley.
I think that BBC weather has someone who looks out of the window!
For the last week we were predicted 6 hours of 40mph wind today. This morning someone must have noticed that it’s not happening and reduced it to one hour at 40+ with less than 20mph both sides (Unlikely?). We have had bright sunshine and absolute calm all morning.
I’m pretty sure someone will look outside and change it again.

Of course, writing this might have jinxed it and we’ll get a hooley.
Found the bin lid in a neighbours front garden, but only one of the push in lid fixings. So I've got 95 per cent of it back.
Weather has turned wet and windy again. I realy need some chocolate biscuits to nibble on, had promised myself if i got the back bedroom to a point where i could hoover it properly, Id treat myself after my meal, but there are non in the biscuit barrel. (Some greedy guts has already eaten them all) I realy don't want to go out in this narly weather to go fetch some. What a disaster :(
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If I was in charge I would forbid the naming of storms and stop all the media fear mongering that goes with them. Its a nonsense. We have always had this weather and it only in the last twenty years that everyone is sxxx soft.
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If I was in charge I would forbid the naming of storms and stop all the media fear mongering that goes with them. Its a nonsense. We have always had this weather and it only in the last twenty years that everyone is sxxx soft.
I heard Paul Hudson talking on the wireless a few months ago about the same thing: how in the past, windy weather didn't need to be given a name.

He also said that there were fewer casualties when the storm was given a boy's name, rather than a girl's name... as if people took the boy storms more seriously and didn't go out dodging roof slates and branches.
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And who thinks up these stupid names for a start?
Whichever national met office who first deems it to be a threat to person or property first. As in a big storm and the first nation it makes landfall on. In this case a Gaelic sounding name so I guess Republic of Ireland's met office. The herminia was the Spanish one.

AIUI in the past nobody took much notice of warnings and it was likely that death or injuries happened because of it in the worst storms. I do recall people driving into floods and dying in the car a couple of times in the past. SO a bit of research into behaviours found out that giving it a name personalises the storm and people heed the warnings with a higher probability of taking care.

Whatever the case if even one life is saved by a simple act of naming a potentially dangerous storm then there is no harm in it and indeed it is a good thing. It would be good to cboose better or funnier names. Perhaps a storm Nigel. I mean has there ever been a Nigel that has caused a lot of damage? How about a storm predicted to hit the west country hard calling it Rupert after the army slang for an army officer. Or a Tarquin if it hit the Eton area??

Can you think of a funny storm name and possibly where it would suit to be linked too??


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