

Bushcrafter through and through
Oct 1, 2008
W. Yorkshire
Of course they are, its called maximising profits :) Cheaper labour and production. Doesnt stop them selling their stuff here thoug at full market value (compared to cheaper in the country they are made)..... Milk the cow till the teets dry up..

Its this which killed the british economy so i wont thank them for it. :)

Actually, another point worth remembering here is that British firms are in the top three of countries investing overseas,


M.A.B (Mad About Bushcraft)
Jan 15, 2011
If that was the case ALL companies would reside in a tax haven and rake it in, Google emply staff, have offices and make money in the UK ergo they should pay tax here, the amount should be based against how much money they make in that country......

I wasn't disagreeing with that principle in and of itself. Just that since they don't have a "product" as such, it'd be somewhat difficult to determine just how much of their total profit comes from the UK (or any country for that matter) Of course if the ads are sold specificlly in the UK the cost of the individual ads might form some basis. But I suspect it doesn't end there (see post #11)

Sorry Tony. Not really trying to be political; just pragmatic.


Full Member
Aug 12, 2011
I think johns right I'm gonna carve a wooden un and save the shavings ready to light a camp fire to boil some mushrooms to remove the thoughts of taxes as it that time of year to start thinking how to pay the government for all there fine work .


M.A.B (Mad About Bushcraft)
Jan 15, 2011
Back on topic as per the OP. As I said I don't frequent Starbucks often but it seems a good idea. They've been doing that here as long as I can remember. If you buy the cup the refills are discounted for life so it saves you that much while reducing the waste stream and the harvesting of new resources for disposable.

Actually they more or less had to offer this type service; it's been the business standard for the competition (all the c-stores serving coffee and fountain drinks) for decades.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
on a slightly bushcrafty note, when I frequent mass market coffee places [which isnt very often] I procure as much of thier sachets of salt, sugar, sauces etc as I can do without looking too cheeky. I have knitted a hat with maccy D stirrers , I used to steal their loo paper when i was student, so just taking the odd bit of sugar and some bits of wood is an improvement I suppose.

Also another thing in those places is that I ask for a black coffee, when the staff reply with " do you want an amaricano frappie esspresso with a flake or what ever nonsense they say, i say No I want a black coffee. I lothe the imposition of a fake culture, I don't live in new york, and i would be happier getting a cup of hot stuff from a roadside van, being served by a bloke that doesn't need to be told a corp script. I dont nick stuff off road side vans either.


Bushcrafter through and through
Jan 12, 2011
Funny isn't it, the things we don't think are "stealing" even though they are. Be it a music or video download. A bog roll, or a handful of sugar sachets. If we're to take the moral high ground then maybe we shouldn't be taking advantage either?


M.A.B (Mad About Bushcraft)
Jan 15, 2011
....Also another thing in those places is that I ask for a black coffee, when the staff reply with " do you want an amaricano frappie esspresso with a flake or what ever nonsense they say, i say No I want a black coffee. I lothe the imposition of a fake culture....

LOL. And in NY they're following the fake imposition of what they imagine to be a European (particularly Italian) culture.

Andy BB

Full Member
Apr 19, 2010
"Fake culture"? Living in England, pretty much everything we eat and drink is a product of our melting-pot society, from our cuppa tea (from India), coffee (originally from the Middle East) to our favourite take-away curry/pizza/chinese/kebab, to our Roman roads and aqueducts, rabbit pie, pheasants, chips/potatoes, to our Christmas turkey.

ex-member BareThrills

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Dec 5, 2011
United Kingdom
"Fake culture"? Living in England, pretty much everything we eat and drink is a product of our melting-pot society, from our cuppa tea (from India), coffee (originally from the Middle East) to our favourite take-away curry/pizza/chinese/kebab, to our Roman roads and aqueducts, rabbit pie, pheasants, chips/potatoes, to our Christmas turkey.

Im presuming you eat the road and drink the aqueduct. :D


Full Member
Jan 31, 2005
Ah - the British Empire - the greatest civilising influence in history! Truly an achievement to celebrate:)

It's like the comedy prophet Bill Hicks said, "How does it feel to find out that we are the evil empire". I'd love for him to be around still to see what he's make of it all.

On the OP though.
Still don't know if this cup is like a bag for life type thing or if you have to buy a new one if it wears out? (I don't like/drink their coffee anyway so it's a moot point.) Costa will fill up your insulated car mug if you ask them nicely though.

Andy BB

Full Member
Apr 19, 2010
It's like the comedy prophet Bill Hicks said, "How does it feel to find out that we are the evil empire". I'd love for him to be around still to see what he's make of it all.

On the OP though.
Still don't know if this cup is like a bag for life type thing or if you have to buy a new one if it wears out? (I don't like/drink their coffee anyway so it's a moot point.) Costa will fill up your insulated car mug if you ask them nicely though.

Actually, so will Starbucks - and knock 10p off the price!


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Mar 24, 2011
isn't it easier to take tea towork/leasuire in a flask?.. or have I missed the strnage attraction these place seem to have?


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Nov 10, 2003
So, let me get this straight. This guy's trying to tax my coffee cup?


Or did I get confused somewhere along the way? :eek:




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