Spring Clean


Full Member
Sep 8, 2012
Hey guys,

I've been meaning to do this for a while now, but I'm constantly looking to reduce my pack size/weight. I don't want to go completely lightweight, but I'd like to be able to remove items from my pack if they can be supplemented by bushcraft, or if I just plain don't need them. So, I'll post a pic and list of my kit, and if you fine people would be so kind as to illuminate me as to how I can drop bulk/weight, I would be most grateful. Bear in mind that some stuff is very lightweight and compressible so as not to be an issue (like the hammock chair), but still, suggest away!


Excuse the quality of the picture :/

Shelter/Sleep (1-11)
1: Underblanket (sleeping bag mod)
2: Alpkit SkyeHigh 1000
3: Thermarest Trail Lite (womens)
4/5: Groundsheet/Orange bin bag
6: Hunka XL Bivi Bag
7: DD Frontline Hammock
8: DD 3x3 Tarp
9: 4 hanks of paracord
10: Tent pegs
11: Space Blanket

Hygiene (12-14)
12: Washbag
13: Sleeping socks (I like my feet toasty warm)
14: Dry clothes

Reference (15)
15: Really any book I want to take at that time. This is Uncle Ray's bushcraft handbook

Cooking (16-22)
16: 12cm Billy can (with stove inside)
17: Cooking gas
18: Monkey boy stove (with meths, windshield and lighter
19: Dutch 44 Mug/Bottle/Cook unit
20: My beloved Kuksa
21: My beloved spoon
22: My beloved brew kit (including nalgene bottles of oil and washing up liquid)

Tools (23-33)
23: Tactical coathangers
24: Mora Clipper
25: Bushy knife
26: Laplander
27: Spoon knife
28: Carving knife
29: Husky hatchet
30: Blow poker
31: Trowel (including sandpaper)
32: Lantern
33: Headtorch

Misc (34-39)
34: Firekit
35: Sharpening stones (whetstones/DC4)
36: Spare stuff sacks
37: Repair kit (needle, thread, hand warmers)
38: Hammock chair
39: Possibilities pouch (the only item of use in here that isnt in my other pouch (not pictured) is a foil blanket)

Carry (40)
40: Karrimor Jaguar 75

So essentially, what can I lose? What should be changed? What should I add? I know it's not an easy task, but I'd be grateful if anyone could offer up an opinion on ma kit list.

Cheers guys


Jun 13, 2010
Bury St. Edmunds
Hi Phaestos,

Looking good, so far. You could drop one of the knives, the gas bottle, the whetstones, the blow poker (although i saw in action at the weekend and it was very good if conditions are problematic), i take it you have a FAK with those sharps but not listed. Obviously the kit you carry is reflected by the length of your trip and conditions but you have no water proofs listed. I started by using this set up http://paulkirtley.co.uk/2011/bushcraft-camping-equipment/ and am adapting it to suit my circumstances as i found it to be an excellent basic kit article. Good luck and all the best getting to your own personal balance.


Full Member
Sep 8, 2012
I should have added that the mat and underblanket are interchangeable depending whether im hammocking it or not. And yup, ive got a first aid kit as part of the pouch not listed. Cheers for telling me bout the water proofs. Keep forgetting to grab them. And ive seen that article before as well. Really useful!


Bushcrafter through and through
Jul 5, 2010
west yorkshire
I would add a pair of hiking poles. Don't need to be anything fancy, but enable you to set up a tarp without being reliant on trees etc. as well as their intended use.
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Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Feb 22, 2006
Looking good Matt, it's hard to have a generic kit list as its going to vary a lot depending on weather, location, distance to travel etc. But from what you've got their I'd say you could maybe look at what stuff overlaps in terms of functionality.

Do you need a gas stove and a meths stove with the possibility of cooking on the campfire with your billy.
You've got two mugs, but then that is a nice kuksa :)
As others have said loose a knife maybe.
You could ditch the tent pegs and make them easily enough, bit of a pita if its raining though.
Same goes for the trowel, digging sticks are easily fashioned.
Wash kit wise if its one or two nights I'd just take a toothbrush/paste and some hand sanitiser,

Stuff to add..
Some sort of water filter (millbank bag) and chlorine tabs.
Pot grips
more water bottles.

But then that's just me, hard to call other peoples kit lists :)

Elen Sentier

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Just my inexperienced thoughts but ...
[FONT=&quot]23: Tactical coathangers – what are these for?
24: Mora Clipper
25: Bushy knife – why 2 knives?
[/FONT][FONT=&quot]39: Possibilities pouch (the only item of use in here that isnt in my other pouch (not pictured) is a foil blanket) – if you have the space blanket why do you want this one?[/FONT]


Full Member
Mar 28, 2011
You know, if you read a book like essential bushcraft 2 or 3 times, you know it by heart and you don't have to drag it around anymore.

I also don't think 3 knives is absolutely neccesary (although you can't really have to many sharps!:D)

And why carry both whetstones and a dc4? I would definately the whetstones and just carry the dc4.
These are just my views of course!

Happy camping!


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Dec 24, 2010
Just my thoughts,
loose the lantern for spare batteries and carry a small pocket torch.
Loose a couple of knives one should be enough but if you feel the need a small pocket knife. This you can use to carve with.
Extra water or at least a way of filtering it. A second water bottle is also good to collect water in so you don't cross contaminate.
Gas is all well and good if its warm enough but I wouldn't rely on it.
Small packet of baby wipes double for washing and cleaning.
Warm hat.
Walking poles, great for pitching a basha or forming two legs of a tripod.


Full Member
Sep 8, 2012
Right, so far I've decided to do the following things:

Milbank bag
Walking poles
Baby wipes
Hand sanitizer

At least one of the knives

Ive already got some water purification tablets in my poss pouch, and a warm hat in my coat pocket. I've also got a 2 litre water bladder crammed into my billy can, although I forgot to write that down :/

Will the space blanket do what the foil does just as well?

And I'm still dubious about the durability of my bushy knife, hence the clipper as a backup. Hopefully its just the burr left on from when it was made, but I don't know really.

Oh, and the tactical coat hangers always come in handy. Without fail. For everything.
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Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Dec 24, 2010
Tactical coat hangers are a must, I even stole the idea from you after Middlewood.
The space blanket will be fine and if its the one with eyelets in it can even be used as an emergency tarp.


Full Member
Sep 8, 2012
Tactical coat hangers are a must, I even stole the idea from you after Middlewood.
The space blanket will be fine and if its the one with eyelets in it can even be used as an emergency tarp.

Haha! My mark has been made of the world of bushcraft! I do an Uncle Ray and start marketing them at £20 each :p

And yup, its got the eyelets. Right, that pouch can go now!


Dec 2, 2012
Looks all good to me as long as youre happy with it. Only you can really decide on what you should keep and what should go. :D


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.