The following is just my view and slant on it as the term 'loophole' has been used a couple of times in this thread and I feel a need to address that.
I don't see the Lever Release as a Loophole , its a mechanical evolution within legal parameters , I guess its the same as the difference between Tax Avoidance and Tax Evasion.
Is the Lever Release any quicker to unload than a slicked up Underlever in terms of firing ? I'm going to say No , but if the general public start to get an idea that a 'Loophole' has someway been exploited then the situation becomes far more complicated due the semantics of what we define as a LoopHole.
I would rather objectively look at the stated Law and legally work with it as it is written to retain / utilise as many of my legal rights and liberties as possible rather than subjectively read into what it says and limit the parameters of myself or others or justify WHY? when whatever is in question is still within the Legal and Lawful side of our society.
Again , just my view , I just wanted to question what people meant by 'Loophole' , if you meant 'legally creative and innovative' then I'm fine with that.
( Insert Smiley Emotioncon )
Great approach! Thanks for that.