Sorry rageful rant!

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Life Member
May 22, 2006
West London
Went for a bimble at Wendover yesterday and gave Rod a hand teach kids to build shelters.

When standing in the cafe I put my stick by the counter to reach for some cash and some toerag stole it. It was made by an old woodsman who is now in a room waiting for his last sunset, I cannot describe what I am feeling at the moment! Rage, anguish and just total hatred for people with no morality. What is worse they are old codgers around who need a stick, so to nick one is just the lowest of the low. Hacked off, p~~~~d off and all the other offs I can think off.


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From experience, every time I let my guard down I get an annoying reminder thieves exist everywhere even amongst those you know, as was proved when my led lenser aviator got stolen off the front of my replacement mountain bike from one stolen from behind a locked door ( it was twenty years old! The aviator was on there because my bike lights went with the stolen bike and I had nothing else),those present where my replacement bike was, was all people I knew that was why my bike was there, supposedly trusted people yet my aviator curiously went missing and it did not fall off as I loop the lanyard around the handlebars for just such an occurrence.

Wallets, keys and knives I tie on partially because of thieves but also because I have a nasty of habit of either dropping things or putting them down and forgetting where I have put them when distracted.

In a past occupation there was such a thing as stores labelled 'valuable and attractive', such stores were kept under lock and key away from the work force, because it will be nicked just because it is there.

And where I used to live there was a mantra; nick it first then think what to do with it, something which appears to have infested the whole country.

My lost mountain bike, all the cycling clubs were aware of the details, it never resurfaced and neither did any part of it appear on an auction website, and it was identifiable due to microdots and discreet engraving as well as police registration.

It is probably sad to say, but assume thieves exist everywhere.
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I know/knew a bloke who was on first-name terms with all the cops in his town. One of his conversations with one went like this:
"hullo *****, what've you got in that backpack, then"
"umm. potatoes officer."
"they yours?"
"come on down to the station then."

that was, however, in his misguided youth, he's much better now, almost honest, if it weren't the fact he's full of bulls**t
today i went to the wilderness gathering and talking to dave budd who told me some nasty scroate stole one of his £200 knives yesterday of his display, where is it all going to all end, hopefully he will cut himself with it what goes around comes around regards dave
this puts a shiver up my back, i was in hosptital in a HD ward and woke up aftrer a op, to find some lovely old dear "trying" my stick out for size, the poor nurses thought i was having a fit.the nures were restruning me and preesing the happy button on my hand, Thank god my wife come in and worked out what was happerning, and politely removed my stick from the lovely sweet old dear, who was hedding for the door.
After the nures had words with the wife saying i was over reacting,was only a silly stick, she replede on the lines that thank goodness it was only his secound best stick, if it was his FIRST best he would of been out of bed after her,
A good stick is very hard to find, and one does depend on it, i would reather lose my car, then my stick,
SandSnacks, deep simperfy for you, hope you find a new one soon.
Wolf, I can assure you I would have been 'robust' in my efforts to re-aquire my stick if I had seen who had taken it! Its the memories that it containes, it would have been nice to have John's stick with me in the woods after he was gone, you know a bit of him and his life force still walking the wilds.

Sorry for you mate, having stuff nicked from you is a gutting feeling .

On a positive note , there are still places where you can leave your door open , leave your your mobile phone next to your sunbathing towel whilst you go off for a swim in the lake . Tis the reason I moved my family over here ,
Theft is very rare here , I can remember in winter some bloke had his skis stolen when he left them lent up out side a cafe whilst enjoying a drink . This made headline news and was a rare event .
If you walk through the town on any day very few bikes have locks on them and the ones that are locked have very basic carp locks that a child could break , and guess what no one ever seems to have there bike stolen . There is still hope :)
Coming from a retail management position in the UK ( for 18 years) where I had to deal with shop lifters almost everyday this relaxed environment has taken me a while to get used to . In fact people over here think I am weird when I go to lock my bike up with two heavy duty locks and get concerned about things like knowing where my bag is when having a drink in a bar , I guess some habits are hard to break
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We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.