Sorry I have not posted much recently

John Fenna

Lifetime Member & Maker
Oct 7, 2006
As the title says ...
A couple of folk (well, more than a couple really) have asked me recently if, like a couple of others on the site I have grown away from Bushcrafting...
The answer is a big NO!
I have not been posting a lot of my trips out here because I have been posting them elsewhere and I do not go in to "double posting" on multiple sites.
Do not get me wrong - BcUK is my Spiritual home and I aint never leaving here for some other site - it is just that I am following the Bushcraft USA "Bushclass" lesson plans as a focus for my trips out (as well as looking at challenges posted on this site - like MOTs Daniel Boone Challenge) and posting there instead.
If folks want to see what I have been up to (although I am not sure why anyone would really want to make the effort...) then have a quick visit to BcUSA and have a look at my posts there.
Sorry to disappoint y'all - I am still going to be in the woods and on this site for a LONG time yet!

Big Stu 12

Bushcrafter through and through
Jan 7, 2012
We need multiple posts John.
If only because I can't be faffed logging into all the forums I've signed up with (as you might of noticed as we're members of a few same ones)

Look forward to seeing your boone challenge trip.

Same here Bud.....

John Fenna

Lifetime Member & Maker
Oct 7, 2006
We need multiple posts John.
If only because I can't be faffed logging into all the forums I've signed up with (as you might of noticed as we're members of a few same ones)

Look forward to seeing your boone challenge trip.

Still working on the gear - just made a canvas tarp for that!


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Copy and paste John, Copy and paste ;)

And that doesn't involve using wallpaper paste either John. PC literate he ain't. :lmao:

Example: At the Moot when Mesquite said he was considering getting a tablet John asked if he needed a prescription from the doctor for it. Luddite to the end!

Hey John, ditto on the comments above.


Jan 21, 2005
S. Lanarkshire
Sorry John, but while I miss your posts, I'm not for logging on elsewhere to read them.
I chill out here.
Copy and post is pretty simple.

Best of luck with your endeavours though.


Big Stu 12

Bushcrafter through and through
Jan 7, 2012
Example: At the Moot when Mesquite said he was considering getting a tablet John asked if he needed a prescription from the doctor for it. Luddite to the end!

One of the guys must of thought teh same when I said Medications/Tablets in the kit list for the Suffolk Boone Challenge.....:lmao:


Jan 21, 2005
S. Lanarkshire
Tablet ?
Tablet's a sweetie :D

HWMBLT Scottish Tablet Recipe

1kg bag of sugar
½ large can of sweetened condensed milk
125g of butter
1 mugful of milk (about as full as you'd fill for coffee)

Butter a tray ready for the tablet.
Have a mug of cold water ready for testing

Put all the ingredients in a high sided pan. ( We use an old pressure cooker pan)
Stir continuously on a medium heat until all the butter has melted and the sugar has dissolved.
Turn the heat up a bit.
Bring the mixture to the boil, stirring continuously, until when some of the tablet is dropped into cold water and you push it with your finger it forms a soft ball.

The tablet should be light coloured not brown. It is better to take it off the heat too early rather than too late. You can always reheat it if its too soft.

Stir the tablet vigorously until it becomes thick. If you cool the pan in cold water this saves you getting a sore arm. (put the plug in the sink, and pour in a couple of inches of cold water, put the pot into the sink and beat the mixture until it goes thick)

Pour the tablet into the buttered tray to set.

Enjoy scraping out the pot.
Bribe somebody else to do the washing up.

The last two instructions usually apply to one person



Jun 10, 2006
south wales
Another vote for 'copy and paste' John, takes no time and prevents you getting a band of stalkers following you all over the place;)

Talking of Tablets (computer type) I have enough points on my Tesco card to pay for one of their new 'Hudl' tablets, I'll pick one up this week and do a review, I've always loved a freebie :)

Hog On Ice

Oct 19, 2012
Virginia, USA
well since John uses photobucket for his pics a copy and paste should work just fine - if any of the pics were on BcUSA however they would probably have to be rehosted to be seen by all

John Fenna

Lifetime Member & Maker
Oct 7, 2006
002 (2).jpg002.jpgOK - a trial of copy and paste....
I had an fun filled weekend of Bushcrafting in which I carried all my kit in a Roycraft pack that I made.
The majority of the gear Sleeping bag, - wool cloak/blanket, hygiene kit, activity kit (for prepping brambles and nettles for cord making), dry tinder kit, rain pants -, was wrapped in the canvas tarp I recently made (and which needed a test) while my exped down air bed was strapped on top of the pack in a stuffsack along with my bivibag and brand new groundsheet. Spare cordage from natural material twine that I had twisted up to various thicknesses of rope came along as well while my belt pouch held extra fire lighting and first aid kit as well as notebook and pen, blow poker, whistle and Opinel. On the belt were my camera, saw and knife and my axe was strapped to my pack.
Not all of the food and cordage was needed, the cloak only got used as a pillow and I stayed warm dry and comfortable.
The pack proved surprisingly comfortable, my tarp worked fine (despite having a thunderstorm and torrential rain and some strong winds) and the weekend was a great success.
I used the weekend to complete 3 more Advanced lessons - lighting a fire without a knife, spending an overnight in a lashed structure and cordage making - and details of these are being posted on the relevant threads.
Pack frame


Top roll contents


Well - that took a while
The weekends activities from start to finish ... four of the Bushclass lessons done!
Last edited:


Full Member
Jan 29, 2007
Well done John - is the canvas tarp you describe as performing well in rain the one you made recently and posted about on here?

John Fenna

Lifetime Member & Maker
Oct 7, 2006
No, it worked, all you need to do it edit out the cross forum blurby bit and it's all good :)


But none of the many photos copied - and I am too lazy to repost them all individually - and my web conection too poor to post multiples with any real chance of them working before the thing goes PHut!
I will try an edit now .....


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.