Silsden Walk (pic heavy)


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In an attempt to make myself more active I have been doing a lot more walking and since the weekend just gone was so nice I got my OS map out and did a good 4/5 hour walk, complete with water and bowl for my dog :)

I am slowly getting my kit together, and doing some basic plant and bird identification along the way. Got my fire steal today so will have to give that a go this weekend if I get chance.

Anyways here are some pictures of the walk from Silsden to Farnhill (via the moors)


This is just heading up from my house, where I found some amazing woods Ididnt know existed.


This is a view of the town I live in Silsden.


This is higher up on the Silsden moors at a place called, Tars Topping


This is my dog Havoc, enjoying some lovley sunshine after just enjoying some water :)


View from the top of Farnhill moors


Farnhill moors walking up even higher, again I didn't even know this existed!

Just thought I would share my first trip out in a long time, I am now armed with a passion for more, so lets hope it stays that way and I can stop sitting at my pc all day!

British Red

M.A.B (Mad About Bushcraft)
Dec 30, 2005
Nice photos mate - thanks for sharing!

I particularly like the ruined barn - very evocative


Matt Weir

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Jun 22, 2006
Tyldesley, Lancashire.
Looks like a lovely bit of countryside so I decided to look in on google earth and try to track your path (yes, I am bored at work :lmao: ) I found the ruined barn cottage building :D ...

Looks like you had a wonderful day out, really enjoued your pictures.

With beautiful countryside around like that it would seem foolish not to get out more often. I was in a similar situation not too long ago - wonderful local countryside and nature but working too hard to enjoy it. That was a couple of years ago now :rolleyes: I really do make an effort to get out and enjoy the changing seasons, wildlife, etc. I was out badger watching last night when I had a couple of hours for myself - certainly beats sitting in the pub ;)

Glad to see you getting out and having fun. Enjoy!



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matt-w said:
Looks like a lovely bit of countryside so I decided to look in on google earth and try to track your path (yes, I am bored at work :lmao: ) I found the ruined barn cottage building :D ...

hehe yeah that's it :)

I have so much countryside around me and forests I don't think I will ever mange to get round them all.

Matt Weir

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Jun 22, 2006
Tyldesley, Lancashire.
Hang on, let me get this right. Neo_ad you live in Yorkshire i.e. East, and myself and AJB live in Lancashire i.e. West but AJB says jokingly that Neo_ad is too far West and I correct him saying it's actually too far East (are you with me still? lol).

Neo_ad then says 'west is best' but you are actually from the East.

Am I getting confused here or was as I believe AJB incorrect with the 'too far west' quip and Neo_ad just firing back with an Ali G.

Does it really matter? I'm very tired and need to lie down in a dark room :( :D

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leon-b said:
nice dog, look a bit like a staffy, is it ?

Yeah he is :) crossed with a collie, he has the softness and skill of a collie and the only thing he has got from the staffy side is his colour and nose.

On a side note, your other post "list to learn" was part of my reason to make my own effort getting out more, so well done! :)


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
May 31, 2006
Who knows
nice, is he bigger than a normal staffy ? i bet he has alot of energy
glad to hear my thread was some use to you
looks like you had a great time aswell

Deleted 70

leon-b said:
nice, is he bigger than a normal staffy ? i bet he has alot of energy
glad to hear my thread was some use to you
looks like you had a great time aswell

Yeah he is, when I said collie I was supposed to say Border collie ^^

He has enough energy to pull me over if I ain't careful enough :)

Big Bad Stu

Jul 18, 2006
Looks like a good day out. Some good inspirational stuff, it makes me want to get off my fat a#*e.

I will be back out when the dog's knee operation has healed!

Stewey :D


Oct 2, 2004
matt-w said:
Hang on, let me get this right. Neo_ad you live in Yorkshire i.e. East, and myself and AJB live in Lancashire i.e. West but AJB says jokingly that Neo_ad is too far West and I correct him saying it's actually too far East (are you with me still? lol).

Neo_ad then says 'west is best' but you are actually from the East.

Am I getting confused here or was as I believe AJB incorrect with the 'too far west' quip and Neo_ad just firing back with an Ali G.

Does it really matter? I'm very tired and need to lie down in a dark room :( :D

I was trying to be clever, implying he was too close to the border with God’s county – Lancashire. But I just ended up being a gimp!

Where abouts are you Matt?


Matt Weir

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Jun 22, 2006
Tyldesley, Lancashire.
AJB said:
I was trying to be clever, implying he was too close to the border with God’s county – Lancashire. But I just ended up being a gimp!

Where abouts are you Matt?


LOL, I get it now :lmao: I'm in Tyldesley about 5 miles south of Bolton and about 12 miles west of Manchester.


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.