shannon's first camp (very pic heavy)

as some of you might remember i had a visitor up at my permission a little while ago lady of tanith's young un shannon

since then she has done nothing but ask when she can come camping with me, until last night we said no as it wasnt warm enough etc, however that wouldnt of worked this weekend as its hot as hades everywhere. she spent a night in her grandparents back garden the other weekend so it was time to bite the bullet and take her for an overnighter.

first we put up my hammock mainly so i could check that it would fit for future trips up there

then shan insisted she tried it out despite fears of falling out of it

after that i got the fire going for a much needed brew and to act as a smudge to keep the blasted flying bugs away

a quiet smoke whilst waiting for it to brew for me and a bit of a read of go girl or some such magazine for shan

once the brew was made i got shan's dinner on the go pasta and meatballs (i pinched a bit very tasty it was)

the great thing about kids is that everything is exciting even a spork

after dinner i showed shannon how to make bannock this will count towards one of her brownie badges so added bonus there

amazing what happens when someone grabs the camera when you arent paying attention

shannon throughly enjoyed the bannock next time she is going to tell me how to do it then third time she is making it

Night then came and shannon busily wrote up her day in her bush journal although it is pink and sparkly as any self respecting seven year olds should be

shannon checked out the tent for potential creepy crawlies and was pleased to report there wasnt any

shannon seemed fascinated that i wasnt sleeping in the tent with her and lisa and wanted me to explain the bivi bag set up to her

then shannon and lisa bundled up in the tent and shannon tested out her brand new tatty teddy sleeping bag before going to sleep once she got over the excitement of camping and what she had been upto

hope you all enjoyed the photo's as much as we enjoyed the evenin
Shannon Lisa and Sam


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Jul 24, 2009
West Midlands UK
smashing picture story, that first pic says it all for me, she loves her daddy and is happy to be sharing an adventure. wish my daughter was that age again...
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Need to contact Admin...
Mar 26, 2007
North Shropshire
Shannon's face says it all, all smiles!

Well done for posting, and great job in getting the ladies interested in Bushcraft.

Thanks for sharing.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Really, REALLY enjoyed seeing that story unfold, as has been said her face said it all. Big beaming smiles. Big congrats to both of you for making her first camping expericne a special one. She's going to dine on that for weeks.
Incidently is that the french canteen you got in the gift-it-on thread or am I mis-remembering who got it?

I did smile at the photo of her filling out her diary, that was so cute. Girls seems to do that a lot. If they're not filing out a diary they're reading a book. Got to be a lot better than sending and recieving a bleeding text.

Anyway Sam, aka Man_of_Tanith, it's also good to put a face to a name. Looks like we share the same choice in wristbands and watch straps too.


Bushcrafter through and through
Aug 30, 2006
Nr Chester
Passing on the skills is in my opinion as important and learning them your self.
Good job;)


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Sep 21, 2005
Excellent picto story Sam and I'm sure Shannon (or Shan_of Tanith as I'll think of her now) can't wait for the next!

I wonder where she got the journal idea from?
looks like you have a good'un there mate.

I like your comment that you would be proud to be called her Dad! - I like the old saying.... "any man can be a father but it takes someone special to be a Dad!" also remember the first part is easy (a fair bit of practice is good though ) the hard bit is the bringing up and imparting good values - Reckon you and Lisa have done good!


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Jul 19, 2009
Hamilton... scotland
Great pics mate , the wee lassie look's like she had a great time.
and yi cannie wack a bowl of spaghetti twists ..
any toast ... haa haa .. well done ..


Mar 16, 2008
This is one of the nicest threads I've read, and this picture really captures Shannon's delight in recounting her adventures in her journal.

Thanks for sharing.



Need to contact Admin...
Apr 16, 2008
That's so cool. Congrats on getting two ladies out camping, my wife wants to know where you plug in the hair straighteners. Nice one mate.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Oops I didn't even see you texting in the background. (Biker opens mouth and inserts foot)

Yeah Shan_of_Tanith has a certain ring to it doesn't it?

So has she calmed down now that the weekend was two days away or is she pestering you for the next adventure? I can icture the scene around the dinner table last night. "So when are going again? Can we skin a wabbit? Oh please can we? Huh huh?" ... and Lisa just lost her appetite. LOL!
lisa has no fear of butchering and guttin bunnies biker. she's a true outdoors lass.
i also have the added bonus that lisa's stepdad is ex royal marines so she did a lot of this sorta stuff as a kid.
the text was one from swompy on here about this weekends camping expedition to the permission so it was kinda bushcrafty :)
shan of tanith has calmed down a bit but i suspect she will want to go as soon as is possible again


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