Senseless Vandalism


Oct 3, 2010
Newcastle upon Tyne
senseless violence, I and many more i guess would like to confront these idiots with some summary justice. Re-educate them with some of the damaged birch and see how keen they would be to continue. As always the few spoil it for the many. I hope you can get things back in shape and hope it doesn't happen again

British Red

M.A.B (Mad About Bushcraft)
Dec 30, 2005
That is quite simply criminal damage ( apolice, not civil matter). These people have no right of access to your land (thankfully).

I suggest a few well placed trail cameras should soon provide a positive ID to the police - mine are startlingly good. Run three months on one set of batteries and photograph everyone who passes within twenty feet (including in the dark).



Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Apr 15, 2005
That is quite simply criminal damage ( apolice, not civil matter). These people have no right of access to your land (thankfully).

I suggest a few well placed trail cameras should soon provide a positive ID to the police - mine are startlingly good. Run three months on one set of batteries and photograph everyone who passes within twenty feet (including in the dark).


Could you provide a link for those please? I have a mate who sometimes gets people in his woods damaging the place.
Feb 15, 2011
I did write a long post but changed my mind as I thought it too extreme for this forum, besides these brainless wipes won't be reading anything we say & probably couldn't care less what we think of them or their behaviour.
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Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Oct 9, 2005
senseless violence, I and many more i guess would like to confront these idiots with some summary justice. Re-educate them with some of the damaged birch and see how keen they would be to continue. As always the few spoil it for the many. I hope you can get things back in shape and hope it doesn't happen again

Nothing like treating senseless violence with senseless violence eh.


Jan 21, 2005
S. Lanarkshire
Gentlemen, please.

I fully share your sentiments, disgust and anger over this senseless vandalism, but this forum has a no swearing policy.

Your understanding and compliance would be much appreciated.

kind regards,


Apr 11, 2011
Nothing like treating senseless violence with senseless violence eh.

Sadly, if the people who damaged the wood in the initial post have that kind of mentality, nothing short of violence is likely to work. The perpetrator requires a little goodwill and ability for thought for rehabilitation to be able to stick. If the damage was due to thoughtlessness, re-education's an option - but this kind of wanton destruction?


Nov 8, 2008
North Yorks
that would really boil my p*** too mate! I feel your pain it happens on the reserves I look least they are public spaces but sorry you have had to deal with it on land you own! Unfortunatley I can't help but feel that this sort of thing is going to increase with the way things are going. People thinking that the countryside is a cheap alternative to to "regular" holiday and far to many people are ignorant of how damaging they are to the places they visit.

good luck with the FC grant. I helped secure a 4 year grant for a park I look after. We are thinning plantations that were way to dense and manage the meadows. the main aim has been to improve the woodlands for birds. You meet with a chap called Mike by any chance??


Thanks for your comments. I met with a chap called Ian, he's covering for a colleague called Rachel who has a broken toe. Really impressed with his suggestions and thoughts on how the wood could be developed, initially its quite a shock when they tell you that trees need to be felled but the benefits could be seen in some of the sparser areas of the wood. We plan to exactly what you are currently on with - good chance we can get some lesser spotted woodpeckers, Marsh Tits, Spotted Flycatcher and Lesser Redpoll in there.
Regards, Paul


Nov 8, 2008
North Yorks
That is quite simply criminal damage ( apolice, not civil matter). These people have no right of access to your land (thankfully).

I suggest a few well placed trail cameras should soon provide a positive ID to the police - mine are startlingly good. Run three months on one set of batteries and photograph everyone who passes within twenty feet (including in the dark).


Which cameras are you using please?
I'm hopefully going up there Sunday morning before the F1 to see if anyone has been up to mischief on either Friday or Saturday night. Cameras may be my only option. Thanks, Paul


Nov 8, 2008
North Yorks
Which cameras are you using please?
I'm hopefully going up there Sunday morning before the F1 to see if anyone has been up to mischief on either Friday or Saturday night. Cameras may be my only option. Thanks, Paul

Red - sorry going through the different threads and see you have already posted a few links - many thanks Paul


Jan 8, 2011
Hamilton, Scotland
We have a country park here (Chatelherault country park) and me and a friend went there the other day to do some bushcraft and try learn a little more about certain trees.
Not long into our walk we encountered a bunch of yobs who were around the age of 16-17, funny enough we both recognized them as idiots from the higschool we used to attend and as we were walking passed one of them started shouting at us, as we walked on typically they wanted to fight us but we just ignored them (i would have loved to teach them a lesson but just wasn't worth it).
The path we were walking along border lines a farm which they were actually in, if i was the farmer i would have chased them away but i guess its not worth it as there is a housing estate they all come from close to the farm so it would be easy for these yobs to attack the farm and run away back home.
They were in a field full of lambs and sheep and it looked like they were scaring them off as they were shouting and causing a lot of noise, i guess people like that do not care at all.. which was confirmed as further along the part (still borderline with the farm) the ground was all scarred in several spots due to reckless use of fire.
Further along our walk we encountered 2 more groups of neds which just made me sad.. i have not seen anyone around that area all winter but as soon as we have good weather they ruin it for everyone!
Oh and there is a very nice area with a bench which has been placed in memory of someone that overlooks a small cliff face, its a very nice spot.. however i was angry to see it littered with McDonalds, condoms & scarring from a fire.
Unfortunately its the only wooded area around here that i enjoy using (It also have a lot of history) but its being over run with yobs during the day and then again at night when they return with an alcohol supply.


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.