Senseless Vandalism


May 1, 2011
Tossers. complete tossers. I have a wood called Sulham only fifteen minutes from me where I do my bushcrafting. I`m always picking up bottles beer cans, tent poles etc. Lots of the old pine trees have big char marks where scum have set fire to them.

Ironically the woods are full of kids building dens and the like but the young kids don`t cause any trouble. It`s the teens and 20 somethings that think its great to smash glass bottles and leave them strewn over the ground for the deer to tread on.

As a Pagan and someone who uses nature in their everyday life I am so sick of little ****s damaging the beauty that we have around us. One of these days I`m going to catch one of them and god help him. Pagans like me are decent kind people but we also know a good few tricks to get someone to stop doing something. It won`t end well for them that`s for certain.


Nov 8, 2008
North Yorks
Went to the wood this morning - nobody up there and no fires started, but another tree down and gone and the stumps of the ones that had been felled before had been tidied up and taken down to a low level. All cutting had been done by a chainsaw. All the "arm" thickness remaining branches had been sorted through and taken. A bridlepath runs through the wood and there is a old fallen trunk which is partly rotted - must be 24" diameter - this had the end cut off plus a second cut started......

I don't like the fallen wood going, but don't mind as it has fallen. I really object to the living trees being cut down.

I have informed the police again as some logs were left and I expect the person who has done this is coming back for them (it may even be someone different to the people that "camped" - might be a dog walker who saw the wood and thought they would come back for it with their chainsaw...?). I have ordered some signs, "Private Land, No Access" for what it is worth.

I also bumped in to a local Game Keeper, who looks after a 56 acre wood 400 yards away from mine, he is also going to keep an eye out for me.

Will be emailing Redcar & Cleveland Borough Council to see if they can help in any way (think the person who did this probably parks on the Bridleway so they are out of sight....may the council could restrict vehicle access to the Bridleway so only horses can get up it...?

The vandals that "camped" there are a real pain and what they have done is criminal damage, the person with the chainsaw (if it is a different person) is a thief.

I think they see this as a soft crime and may even think that the wood is council owned or perhaps that the land owner can afford the loss - I am considering leaving a laminated open letter to explain what I am trying to achieve with the wood and how there actions contradict my objectives - I dont know if that would help or if the person(s) doing this would even care...

I have considered offering the land up for a few weekend meets as suggested in the previous threads, but not sure if this would work - the person who has done this would see others coming on to the land which may make them think that it is open access land. Does anyone have any thoughts about how this could work as if it is possible in a controlled way, it is something I would consider, also is anyone close to Easington/Loftus/Saltburn?

Many thanks, Paul
Sew these about your forrest with happy abandon.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Apr 15, 2005
Probably junior bushcrafters doing a competitive test on their sharps and working on their firemaking skills?

Not a kick in the backside off what I was going to say.
Now where the hell is that wink smilie in amongst all the other dodgy ones I doubt I'll ever use?


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.