Seeking firecraft workshop leader

Aug 12, 2015
Hi all,

I wonder if someone here might be able to help us out. I work for a cultural organisation in Scotland's Far North and we are currently working with an artist to create a contemporary reworking of a old fire custom – Force-Fire or Need-Fire – at this year's Highland Games in Helmsdale this Saturday (15 August 2015).

Alongside this we had arranged a bow-drill fire-making workshop as the work is based on a scaled up version of the technique and we wanted to provide visitors with the opportunity to try their hand at this technique. However, the workshop leader has pulled out at very short notice leaving us in the lurch. If anyone thinks they may be able to step in and save the day, or knows someone who might, we'd love to hear from you! We can provide a fee and accommodation and cover travel costs.

Many thanks,


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.