'Security' buckles

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Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Sep 21, 2005
I'm looking for some advice / recomendations regarding a secure 50mm webbing belt.

I am currently using a CCS 50mm webbing belt to carry my camera on (have had enough of neck straps and this is SO much better for the way I work) For years I have been a fan of CCS pouches and have had and used many but I now like the quick access of my current setup (will post info at some point) that I have created using my L-bracket and a large arca swiss mounting plate. I'm currently working on a mk2 version to hold my big lens but this is still work in progress as i havn't perfected it yet.

Anyway despite the CCS belt being built like a tank i have this nagging doubt about the buckle and that it may accidentally get opened and my unprotected camera will dash itself on the hardest surface available.

I have seen a few plastic 50mm buckles that have what looks to be a button in the middle as well as the two either side as normal and wonderd if this is a safety catch (ie need tp press this at the same time as the normal catches to open it) has anyone got one / had experience of these?


Also there are the military quick release metal buckles available but again my concern is the metal latches getting caught on something (bending over etc) and releasing when not expected.


any advice / recomendations welcomed :-)
Those metal buckles (either the original cobra buckle, or the myriad of copies) are very good. The design was originally made for safety critical equipment, parachute harnesses, industrial safety etc - so your concerns about them accidentally realsing and dropping a camera i think would be unfounded. They are designed so that both sides need to be depressed at once in order to release them, so a very low likelihood of an accidental release.
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Cobra's need both levers to be pressed to open.
They also come in plastic nowadays. IIRC contactleft.co.uk has pretty good selection.

There are also side release buckles with centre lock. It's a slide toggle rather than a button, not sure I've seem them in 50mm though.
we have used the cobra buckles on our tree climbing harnesses for decades and they get serious abuse and i've never heard of one failing. although they do require occasional lubricating (duck oil type thing).
Would love to see your camera carrying set up. i have the same prob. My Bigma is just too heavy around the neck, so at the moment i use the tripod plate to hook it onto the belt loop on my rucksack waist belt.
Im afraid i wimped out and paid for a heavy duty camera strap - a
brown Black Rapid Sport-X over-the-shoulder job. I've attached it primarily to the tripod screw mount of my lens, and the secondary connection to the camera body.
They're standard issue police buckles for kit belts. They are fixed loop only, as in they can't have a loose male end which you pull to tighten, so if that suits PM me and I will send you a free one.
Those metal buckles (either the original cobra buckle, or the myriad of copies) are very good. The design was originally made for safety critical equipment, parachute harnesses, industrial safety etc - so your concerns about them accidentally realsing and dropping a camera i think would be unfounded. They are designed so that both sides need to be depressed at once in order to release them, so a very low likelihood of an accidental release.
E's right you know, even the cheap Chinese ones are less likely to fail than all that plastic rubbish that has been in vogue for way too long now. Plastic was born to fail when you least want it to.
With the potential for 50mm buckle's to come open to dump the camera on the deck, I have long since been using the Lowepro S&F belt and shoulder harness system of which not only provides security but also takes the weight off the hips. Wherein using such a carrying system, one may find they're highly customisable.

But plastic side release buckles, when I purchase them for projects I seek out the name ; Delrin
Thanks for the comments guys :)

I had assumed the cobra buckles needed both pressing at the same time but this is what i really wanted confirming.

I agree i will feel far happier with a metal buckle i think, i'll get one and see how i get on.

re my camera carry, ill get some pic's sorted when i get a chance and create a post - i'm sure it will spark discussion and there will be some great suggestions for improvement if i know this place ;)
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A Quick Update! - on reccomendation I ordered a cobra copy from ebay for the princley sum of £3.73 :)

And I'm happy to say i'm not dissapointed! - it is smaller than the plastic buckle and feels SO much more secure and inspires confidence.

Thanks for the advice gang! goodjob
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An update a couple of years on…..

well the buckle has started to open ‘on its own’ o_O I suspect it is being accidentally triggered by my jacket etc but is worrying because it is on the belt holding my camera. Thankfully my ninjalike reaction’s have been good enough so far an my camera hasn’t crashed to the floor before I have been able to grab it.

anyone else come across this before, is it possibly due to the ‘bargain’ I found (sorry if you are having the same issues Stew)

so once again I am on the lookout for a buckle I can trust. I like this style but has anyone come across one with a ‘lock’

am open to all suggestions and naturally price is a factor but I’m looking for something bombproof this time and prepared to pay what it is worth.
Never had any issues with non-cheap-replica COBRA buckles. I like the mini COBRA ones so they don’t dig into me so much when sat down or leaning over.

Thanks FS. Always rather go on a recommendation, what size are the mini’s as there are no dimensions on the site
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