Closest true wilderness to the uk.

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Ain’t that the truth.
The forests in Guinea/Côte d’Ivore are exactly that. Trees over the mountains as far as you can see. However the forest floor hasn’t been cleared for tourists! River, rocks and everywhere layers and layers of fallen trees rotting away and full of very colourful and unpleasant wildlife.
And muddy! Thick red mud. Getting to a mountain top is a lifetime achievement (if you survive.).
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Your best bets are really not in the UK or Europe. While lovely and scenic, human culture has shaped and built those areas for centuries.

For what I think of as "classic UK" wilderness, I would suggest more remote regions of Canada and Alaska. Even there, native populations have contributed to the evolution of the flora and fauna.

Managed forests in Finland and Germany are what they are. Very scenic but, definitely not "wild". As mentioned, Baltic states and former Soviet states are likely the better options for someone in the UK/EU region looking for more remote "wilderness" experiences without crossing oceans.
I dont think anywhere is that wild.

Even Antarctica has a lot of human activity and pollution.

First thing you learn in Archaeology; people get everywhere.
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Research done some decades ago divests that there is no forest that has not received human attention. Everywhere the dendrologists looked in the Amazon they found evidence of some degree of clearing.

“True wilderness” is probably a judgement around how long ago people were last there.

I’m not being judgmental here but why do you want to go and affect heretofore unaffected wilderness?

As said before, unfrequented forest is often impassable.

Edited to add:
@Tengu gu beat me to it!
As much as I love the countryside,and I do believe we have the best in the world.Id like to visit a true wilderness scandinavia springs to mind any recomendations?

It depends what you are looking for from your wilderness. Having hiked in many "wild" places over the years I eventually came to the conclusion that Wilderness, for me, is in the mind.
Bit treeless u think?
Actually no not everywhere. Obviously the high mountains are though. There are a lot of plantations but also increasingly areas of native woodland. They are mostly birch and willow but I think since the peninsula came into the care of the Knoydart Foundation the stance on deer management and planting trees is much more in keeping with regeneration thinking.

If you want a good trip head to Strathan at the end of the road then stay in a couple of Bothys such as Glen Pean, Sourlies or A Chuil.
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