Sometimes, a big bandage is applied to teach the poor victim a lesson! Pull up a sandbag and swing that lantern, it's story time!
I remember a guy came to try and fix my CET in my Army days. The batteries weren't charging and i suspected the generator. As a Plant Fitter, I should have checked the basics but it was a vry long and cold exercise and I just wasn't thinking. Tightening the pulley belt would have took all of two minutes and prevented the whole sorry tale, but some things are meant to be!
A chap called Aaron, a time served Corporal coming to the end of his service in the REME, and an absolute guru in the CET world, came to have a look. The engine was running as the batteries were dead and I didn't want to stop the engine as I wouldn't get it started again. We opened the top decks to look into the hull, and I said to be careful as there are three or four pulley belts whizzing around unprotected. He said he was OK and new what he was doing. As time went on, I got more and more concerned as his fingers got nearer to one belt in particular and I said Right, I'm gonna turn the engine off, it's a bit dodgy this! Aaron replied with a no, and about ten seconds later his finger was caught by the pulley belt and went round the pulley with the belt on top!
He pulled his finger back when it was released at the other side and gave me a look as if to say Oh Bugger! You saw that didn't you!
The blood started to flow, so I got the FAK for the vehicle out. It wasn't too bad, but I taught him a lesson and put the biggest bandage I coukld find on his finger! In the end, it looked like a turban on the end of his finger! Totally ridiculous, but very funny!
You had to be there I suppose!