Scotland - a learning experience (long story, pic heavy)

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Great write up guys. It would be good to read more of these on here. Bad news about the FC though. I have dealt with them in my area for years and always found they very obliging really. I suspect it may well depend on the local staff. However, I don't think anyone should stand for downright abuse or rudeness and a stern letter to FC HQ might do the trick. They are, after all, a government dept. paid for out of our taxes. Look forward to more advernures soon.:)
Thanks for the replies people. I haven't been able to access bcuk for the last couple of days so I haven't been able to keep up with this thread but I just opened it now and saw all the replies.
Thanks for the kind words. :)
I think, you are being to hard on yourselves.

You come up against that wonderful mate, Murphy, and his law.

I know after our run in with Scottish weather, in Ullenpool, I would never buy a tunnel style tent again.

You know what you really need to do, get back out there. The more time you spend out there, the more good times you will have, and the bad become the tales you tell around the camp fire.

I'm really jealous, this year our time spent out there has been so small I would settle for some rainy days, which looking at the forecast is what we are going to get, if we find the time to get out there.
Great read this was :-) sounds way too familiar about nowhere to camp. It seems you can study Google Earth and maps but when you get there like you said there's wire fences with endless warning signs and nowhere to park a car for a few days. Often in trying new areas I've had to resort to sleeping in my car :-( In winter you get warned off by 'gamekeepers' saying that shooting deer is taking place, just seems bushcraft is easier said than done these days.


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