

Sent off - Not allowed to play
Feb 10, 2016
Grand Cayman, Norway, Sweden
I'm not so sure about that Janne. I'm sure you know of the Pagan custom of children leaving their shoes/boots filled with Carrots or straw by the fire hearth at Yule, for when Odin All-father passed by in his sleigh drawn by Sleipnir. The treats were for Sleipnir and Odin would leave a gift in return, for the kids.
The Christians hijacked the tale and attributed it to the 4th Century Christian Bishop who later got promoted to Sainthood. St Nicholas, the Patron Saint of the poor, children and prostitutes. His claim to fame was giving gifts to children and the poor and his Bishop's red robes trimmed with fur became Santa's uniform.
But Pagan kids in England and other parts of the Uk were leaving gifts out and getting Yule presents long before Old Christopher Columbus bumped into the New World.

I mean the tale about Rudolf and his mates pulling Santa’s sled.

The origins of most tales go back to ancient times.
Santas red robes were invented by Coca Cola.
In Sweden we still leave a bowl of porridge outside to make the Santa happy, but this is a new invention, as until maybe/about 40 years ago we left it outside to feed the ’nissen’ or ’gårdstomten’ ( eng house gnome?)

The Swedish artist Jenny Nyström created the look of the Santa Claus in the late 1800’ albeit in a grey overcoat.
Todays Santa Claus and his helpers is a mix of the European tradition St Nicolas ( celebrated 6 December, my family still do it) the american Santa Claus, the Scandi gnomes, and so on.

Reindeer? After Sleipner the horse, Scandi tradition changed this to a goat, which the Jultomten and his helpers used. Americans thought I guess they should use Reindeer, as Santas abode is on the North Pole.
The Finns believe now he lives in Rovaniemi of course.

Many Europeans believe he lives in Lapland, which they think is a small area close to Rovaniemi.

The Norse beliefs are originating from old Germanic beliefs, which researchers say are a mix of Romano Greek beliefs and beliefs from the Europe/Asia border.

It is complex, religion!


Sent off - Not allowed to play
Feb 10, 2016
Grand Cayman, Norway, Sweden
Sadly when the Christians came and made the old beliefs illegal, most got lost. Very little is known. There are people in Scandinavia having this Asa tro, but it is to 99.9% a recent construction.

The Christmas tree is believed to come from the sacrifice ( objects, humans and animals) trees.
Germans started with the spruce tree with ornaments sometime in the late midfle ages, and the German side of the Royal family took it to Britain.
Prince Albert von Sachsen - Coburg und Gotha maybe? Or Queen Victoria’s mother, also a Sachsen- Coburg ?


Sent off - Not allowed to play
Feb 10, 2016
Grand Cayman, Norway, Sweden
Tomorrow I will think of Rudolf the Red nosed reindeer.
I imported some reindeer meat ( file) which I will panfry on butter, (rare) then make a sauce of chantarelles, billberries, whisky and cream.

Serve with Hasselback potatoes and Lingon berry preserve.


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.